I’m very insecure about my nose It’s pretty chunky and not petite like normal people’s noses I wish a genie could come and fix it I wish my genie could fix all my problems I wish my genie could let my heart be free But it will forever be Frozen and cold with no one to trust And a huge ice walk with iron and brick That is unbearable oh well. . .
We walk into a hollowed out building and the walls are blankly white Danny gives me a confused look We went from the historical section to the Classical paintings and I’m as confused as he is Danny turned me around to him to kiss him When all of a sudden all paintings were appearing And the walls had colors on them once more It was the gallery of love The most beautiful creation of all A connection between humans that can never be suppressed But always left for others to observe
They observe a portal like circle
On goes in and looks back to the other
The other stays out
Little did they know that
She was just with her shadow
A reflection know only to herself
She was taken away by that wormhole
She’s left shocked
Takes a step back
And left the grave of her long lost sister