Sizzle Drizzle
Just for fun, it helps with writers block
Sizzle Drizzle
Just for fun, it helps with writers block
Just for fun, it helps with writers block
Just for fun, it helps with writers block
Through the blinds the moon emits a light Blood wine, you cast eerie shadows in the night Some have eyes Guilty, greedy, ominous Keenly upon your glare It’s treasure their greatest desire Yearning fulfillment, chased by mortality Oh blood moon…. Your majesty I wish forever your light To be addled through a lonely light.
When do sunflowers sleep Surely it’s Tiring being a symbol of peace What causes a rose to grow thorns Surely it cannot be ungrateful for its beauty Where do tulips find confidence Undoubtedly because of it’s perfect love Who is clementis, he that travels the realms The daydreamer who is healing his mind Wondering Why does the willow weep Maybe the Conundrum of being disrupts it’s balance How does the Duskflower stand forever Being stripped of its color each night Even in death it’s roots grow deeper Undoubtedly she has left her essence through the storm
An aimless wanderer may never be lost. So on the surface, you may not find How does the wanderer tell time Time is relative So on the surface, the wanderer never changes Although, in the depths of his heart He has lived a thousand lives Without expectations dissecting each moment Without a doubt, this path takes time It’s Arduous, and truly lonely Free from the responsibility of mortality And rising into oneself, This is love actually
A look into one’s mind, is like the first step into a cathedral. insightful to the touch, the details are on on my steeple. wood grain, grip it… It can get a little deeper. My secrets remain contained within a mind frame of flirting with insane. I should just let it out… but then again to what avail. If this is the end, I know I failed. The colors fade, and the ships have sailed. No destination in mind, just to get deeper in time, and see all the divine lines, deeply rooted in the sand slowly twisting at the grains of how I stand. It can get a little deeper. So I’ll start smaller within, the lines of stained glass, the loving laughs, where mistakes have roamed past. Here you’ll find the comforts of an insane mind, the finer things, from the tap of grapevine. A bittersweet fruit, unobtained and aloof,unacquainted pursuit, of the truth only bequeathed to you. It can get a little deeper. How facetious, the alluring looks upon their faces showing traces of time past. Fighting dearly to last. It is here where we stand, the focal point of the lost, and willing, chilling at the essence, The Satisfaction of stars aligned, kneeling at the alter for a time, but stops so abruptly. it’s leaves you wistfully wondering, “will it ever be the same?” Genuinely noting it’s good to remember, to see what your missing, no matter how distant, it’s forever fleeting like an ellipses… fading
Unwavering through the storm I’ve weathered countless before Still I stand Growth is sometimes uncomfortable But provides the sweetest fruit Still I stand Deeply Rooted in my purpose The sky is the limit,I am determined to flourish Still I stand Blood sweat and tears tremble rings to my core Until each of my leaves are finely tuned Still i stand Upon my search I see the light Sorrowfully My brothers fall to worldly Blight Still I stand Even as lightning crackles Threatening to burn I will stand This storm too shall pass Though this one explodes like gunpowder another crack stings my tracks. As I am burning, I frantically claw resisting the new light It’s not my destiny to go this way But there is no salvation Undeterred I stand
I couldn’t be more transparent. Through an elaborate fascia The contents of my heart are on display It may be hard to ascertain, but believe what you see From behind the mirror believe the madness It’s only perceived backwards Do not shake me for my secrets, for I am fragile Courageously release your past, remember your lessons, embrace impermanence. There’s a chance you may never settle But I’m an open book, should you choose to mettle. I am present to serve Compassionately with patience You have the tools, together we will lasso the moon. Easier said than done, but have faith All will be revealed when you finally grasp The world upside down through the looking glass