**We both don’t have romantic love in our lives**
**My bestfriend, who is always there for me **
**Who will always be there for the girl who cries**
**We’re single and alone though never lonely **
**Honestly, id rather keep it this way**
**We can be lonely together, because who gets it like my bestie?**
**There’s nobody who can be so great**
**No other who can cheer me up so easily**
**One da...
There was a relief in feeling the storm approaching. The pause while I was reading.
“What is this?” I’m asking, panicking.
I think back to all the overthinking, when I was convincing myself something was happening between them. When I knew he’d always end up picking someone like her, beautifully perfect, unlike me. I convinced myself I was just generally letting my mind go to places negatively. B...
Every guy I talk to only wants me for my body
They talk to me, but just till they find out I won’t let them see
Apparently I’m too boring because I won’t show myself
Even though if I did I’d just be called a whore again
“Bop” “slut” the words are thrown around so easily
Wether it’s because of how I dress or that I’m dating
It’s not like I’m out cheating, but apparently I shouldn’t be happy
This ain’t sweet home Alabama, I’ve never wanted to get with my brothers, but they still have set standards for me. I can see the type of man they are and how they treat their girlfriends, and I know how I should be treated by a guy
My brothers are the good guys, the type that put others before them, the type that are willing to explain things, and be kind. They tease me and badger me, and they d...
I don’t say it enough: “thank you”
Thank you to my mom, who has been through a lot, but still manages to be the bomb. Who has never stopped staying calm and is always giving me the things she never could have. Ever since I came out of the womb shes been my place, someone I could go to.
I don’t say it enough: “thank you”
Thank you to my dad, who has stuck around and not left for milk. Even if he...
**Leopards never change their spots. **
**You can’t except a lot from someone who has never been a good part of your plot. No matter what you thought you have to focus on what you got. “You have to give them another shot” is something I’ve never bought, sure I give multiple chances after we fought, but eventually you have to stop getting caught in the middle of their knot.**
**The fox ma...
You assume things about me, when you don’t even know who I am. You use your bias against the people you see, not understanding that’s criminally unfair. They’re only clothes, the things I wear, I havent even been on earth for 18 years, yet you think you know my value? Because I’m not modest or holy, I show the body I was born in, I’m disgusting. I’m not slutty because my skin is showing. It doesn’...
Every star in the sky has a reason, a story. Each has seen billions of lives, one that may be like yours. Just like there are billions of people on earth, each with their own story and destiny. Each star glowing in the night sky, their beauty hidden by the daylight. Similar to how each person has their own pain and reasoning for their actions, their beauty hidden by the world. But everyone is huma...
In a feild of flowers, I stay away from all others, my umbrella protecting me from all the haters. I spent too long following their guidance but now good riddance I got rid of them. I’m focusing on myself and my opportunities, protecting my peace religiously, because I do go first effortlessly, even if everyone else wants to hurt me selfishly....
I’ve never been good at belonging, at being normal. I’ve never been effortlessly good at being seen as equal. People would say I’m too janky, that I can’t act natural. And they were right- I didn’t fit in like they did, I didn’t catch onto the trends until later, I never changed my opinions for some hater. But you can’t please everyone, I won’t spend my life on the run from peoples thoughts. I’m g...