Just one second, amongst the sea of hours that had passed. One second was all it took for my body to grow cold with shock. The red bead of light flickered and whipped around my chest like an angry wasp, desperate for revenge, till is settled at the nape of my neck. They found me. There was nothing left to do but wait for the inevitable. My eyes darted around the room searching for the source before they landed on the roof of the 4 story building across the street. Through the cloud of evening blue, the beam of red flared with vigor.
If the sky fell tonight My mind would still be in flight Drifting endlessly through space Ever lifted, never traced Though the shadows lurk in stride People smile, and people hide Not so different you and I When no man watches No man tries Introspection at it's worst We are given tasks at birth but when time comes for us to emerge No man wise All man purge.