Eran las 3 am, la brisa me erizaba la piel, el reflejo de la luna en el agua alumbraba el ambiente con una luz plateada, era una llena, la marea estaba baja, el mar se escuchaba en calma. De dónde vino el grito ? Se siente sola la noche, escucho la espuma del mar filtrarse por la arena. Lo escucho otra vez, corro hacia el sonido, no siento las manos, los labios se me congelan, veo sombras y de repente no veo nada. Quedó ciega, un resplandor me incandilo, me arden los ojos, escucho la voz de dos hombres, no entiendo lo que dicen. Que está pasando? Dónde está Elisa? Era ella gritando ? Quienes son los hombres ? Escucho las voces acercándose, no se que hacer, empiezo a correr sin poder ver nada, siento los pies mojados, me estoy adentrando al mar, nado, pierdo el control, me estoy ahogando, no puedo gritar.
Me despierto, todo fue un sueño.
It was a Sunday afternoon, Sundays were the days Soledad went to the park. She was a peculiar girl, she loved wearing stripe dresses, the issue was Soledad could only see in black and white so she never knew what color were the stripes.
Soledad often felt very lonely, school wasn’t easy for her, specially art class, where she couldn’t identify the colors and her parents spent more hours working than at home. She would try to paint beautiful drawings but she would give up as she wouldn’t know which marker to pick. In conversation with her friends, when they were picking their favorites colors she would feel left out. She felt like nobody understood her, that there was something wrong with her, that she could never be love the way kids that could see colors could.
On this day in her way to the park Soledad saw something flying very far, she couldn’t indetify what was it ? Was it a leave falling from a tree? A cotton ball? A balloon? There was something wrong about it. She couldn’t tell what it was as she kept walking closer to it she felt so confused. It was something she has never seen before. She ran trying to chase this weird thing she was seeing.
IT’S A BUTTERFLY - she scream
Soledad couldn’t believe it, she was looking at a butterfly with colors in its wings
She extended her arm so the butterfly come closer to her and when the butterfly posed on her hand she realized it was a blue butterfly.
You’re the only one who can see me - said the butterfly
You’re the first color I’ve seen said - Soledad answered
All of the sudden Soledad could see everything in shades of blue, it was so beautiful and exciting. Her moms favorite color she remembered.
That day Soledad spent the whole day with the blue butterfly, they shared how they felt and how much they had in common.
Soledad knew she wasn’t lonely, she was just different, and there was nothing wrong with her, she just saw things a different way.
Life was way more fun and exciting in blue.