I blink again to check if this is really happening.
No it's not a dream. This is actually happening. This room is a mess. My son is throwing cake at his sister, his sister is screaming, the TV is broken, the pillows are all torn up and there are feathers everywhere. What the fuck happened here.
"Hey, do you know what happens to boys who steal?" whispered that same voice in my ear just like it does everytime I steal something from the store. I mean it's not like anyone buys from that store. I'm just doing them a favor by taking some stuff. People say that the store is haunted. I think not, it's just a store ruin by a bunch of emo teen boys who think they're tuff. Some even say that they have a room full of people who are going upside down for stealing. It's ridiculous how people come up with this shit. they're probably workers from other stores who are trying to stop people from buying from that store.
Mabye I should've listened to those people...I thought as I looked at the people around me as I'm upside down.