1997… the death of an empire. The last time the sun set on the British empire until now.
The year is 2012 Britain controls the entire British isles after annexing Ireland the year prior. Heavily condemned by the UN Security Council and NATO Britain invaded Ireland and secured all 4 provinces of Ireland . Albeit with continued disruption from partisan forces. Little did the rest of the world know for the prior five years Britain had been covertly rebuilding its military capabilities and securing alliances with its former colonies , Australia and Canada with the promise of a greater world .
Whilst I’ve been contacted by the Agency through many abnormal ways before , this… this was new. It has been a few months since my last contract. The recipe indicated it was writing by a ‘Miss A Lodger.’ To the common eye this would just be a name , but this actually meant ‘ Mississippi Agency Unit L’ which is where I trained in my younger years. I was told by another agent this Unit was decommissioned after a trainer and a trainee went rogue. Little did I know this would be the reason I was contacted .