I felt his presence quite some time ago
But then, not much happens here I don’t know
He’s thirsty, I can tell, they always are
Those of them, that is, that make it this far
For me to take pity, would be folly
I keep my lair hidden carefully
Over there is a secret waterfall
Beyond that, there’s no water here at all
It would take a solid day’s journey from here
Before any clean water will appear
It’s strictly rationed, so he’d have to pay
And that’s only if it’s his assigned day
So to maintain the waterfall’s secret,
I cast a creative spell upon it,
But to bind the spell, I must reside here,
Now it’s hidden from those who venture near
I gaze one more time at him and can’t not
So navigate him through subconscious thought
A hollowed out rock, filled with fresh water
“Take your fill,” he hears, “then depart from here”