We ran, for as long as we could, it was the kind of running you do when you’re in fear of your life. You’re flying. He was strong on our tail, ready to fire his shot and take one of us down, what kind of crazy psychopath does that? I heard a sharp whip like sound, then Beji let out a blood curdling scream. As much as I didn’t want to, I kept running and trying as hard as I could to pretend my best friend didn’t just get taken out like some animal.
Dear Ginger,
I sincerely miss you. It’s been a very long time. Your dog agrees with me. He’s been very patient but he still waits for you to come back. He sits on his bed in your studio everyday, then sleeps with me at night. On your side of the bed, of course. But I guess I can say it’s not your side anymore, however I don’t know if my heart could manage that.
My parents keep telling me to go on a vacation of some sort, but I don’t know how that would help. Because you see, that’s what we would have done together so I can’t just go do it alone. The Bahamas sound nice, though...
I haven’t taken to drinking or smoking myself away, yet. But there’s always tomorrow. Wallowing in self pity has never been my strong suit. But you know that.
Maybe I was too hard on you and I apologize, even though it made you a stronger person I could’ve made myself softer instead. You might still be here.
I’m always hoping that you get my letter but I know that will never happen. It’s just not possible. You broke my heart and took the only thing giving me life right out of my reach.... so I am lost. So very, very lost.
What do I do? Besides leave this letter on the ground in front of your painted portrait?
Without you, I don’t want to. But I will. To remind myself of who I could have been.
But that’s self pity, so I’ll just leave your portrait hanging up for every visitor to see. Your studio will always remain untouched. A gallery for the sad and lonely people missing our dearly departed.
Yours, James.
Milly and Bre, two twins both 10 years old, had been abandoned at the park with no idea where their mother had gone. Not long after she disappeared they quickly forgot that had been there in the first place. “Milly?...” said Bre, Milly rolled her eyes dramatically and crossed her arms, “Yes, Bre?” “What do you want to do?” Milly walked off with no reply, heading towards the swing set. Bre contently followed behind her, ready to sway in the air next to her identical sister. Life didn’t seem any different. The sun began setting and again Bre called out to her sister, “Milly?” Milly never responded. “Milly where are you? We need to find mommy and go home? ...Milly?” Bre was alone, she stepped off of the swing set and everything around her went black. A few seconds later she woke up, eyes blurry, ears ringing. As soon as everything cleared up she was back where she was supposed to be, with no explanation, and mommy waiting at the bench for her and her sister to be ready to leave.