Plot Builder
1 min read
There was a man whose name was Lightnet. He had the control of lightning. Whenever he saw it rain, he made it lightning storm . Lightnet had lightning for 5 days until he lost control because he used it for the wrong reasons....
The Foot Chopper is where an ancient trigger found underground. When someone steps on the trigger, a very sharp knife pops out and cuts their foot off. The only way you can escape the Foot Chopper is by jumping over the invisible trigger. Do you think you can walk the ground with an invisible trigger that may cause you to lose your foot?...
I was taking a walk with my family.
The trail went up a hill.
The trail became a difficult hike.
It wasn’t run of the mill....
Ferbert makes me worry. Cipnip makes me touch my ears and hair. I do it every day. I want to stop it but I can’t somehow. Today Ferbert made me feel like I had to puke. I don’t like cipnit and Ferbert....
A clown appeared. A another clown appeared. People started to see the clowns. A very creepy clown appeared. The clowns started to destroy buildings airplanes and boats. They were taking over the city. The police took care of the clowns by yelling....
A plane’s captain sees another plane. The other plane’s captain says your plane is ugly. The other plane’s captain gets mad and starts to go faster aiming at the other plane. The other plane does the same they crash....