I sat under the shade of the great oak trees as the midday sun beat through the slight gaps in the leaves. It has been a long day and the stop to rest was much needed. An early start meant that I had been walking for 6 hours already and the view around me had hardly changed. The same dense forest and winding trail spotted with roots which seemed to trip you the second you took your eyes off them. I sat now taking in my surroundings and I am in awe. I can’t believe I has walked all morning and hasn’t stopped to appreciate the beauty of my surroundings. The river babbled gently in the background far enough away to be out of sight but still within earshot. What struck me the most was the number of creatures which call these woods home. Birds of all shapes and sizes dive amongst the branches high above me and squirrels jump and swing through the branches looking for food. The chirp of birdsongs have been something that long brought me peace and it does so again now as I sit on the padded moss under this mighty tree. Do I really have to leave? Can’t I just see out my days in this paradise? Unfortunately I’m on the clock and can only stop for so long but maybe now as I continue I’ll take more notice if the brilliant landscape before me as the vibrant wilderness welcomes me as a guest into it’s home.
The icy wind lashed at my face like a hundred tiny blades as I climbed the final few paces up the mountain. The snow crumpled under my feet as I reached the crest. In that moment my lungs emptied with a sharp gasp. It was beautiful, the neon green and deep blue creating waves across the sky. I was instantly lost in the forbidden ocean above me and almost fell off the cliff in front of me in my hypnosis. I sat down on the ledge for stability and once again gazed at the immense light in the sky. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and I was truly lost for words so I just sat back as waves of awe washed over me. Brining some heat back to my frozen hands and face.
It’s election night and I guess you could say I’m the dark horse who’s looking to shake things up. With a world population of 8 billion there’s a lot of different people with different interests to please. However, my campaign style isn’t exactly orthodox. I’m just waiting on the results to come in now but while I wait I guess I should tell you how I ended up running for president of the world.
I was just a normal person. I went to school and university and then had an office job. There was nothing special about me. The thing is once the major governments of the world began to take climate change seriously the smaller nations soon followed suit and soon the whole planet began to heal. With the problem finally solved with what seemed like just seconds to spare the world needed a new issue to get behind and that issue became world peace. At first it was just the G20 who met to discuss it but soon it expanded and the world watched on as countries merged and borders disappeared until only a few remained. Of course not everyone was happy but eventually people realised that unity meant that they wouldn’t have to spend years and years negotiating for things and of course there would be no wars because they would have no one to fight. Finally the last few countries turned and the world was one nation. There was only one thing which remained, to pick a leader for this new nation. The population voted for criteria which a candidate would have to meet and then candidates would take part in interviews and debates and competitions while the public voted for the candidates who they wanted to lead them. I met the criteria, which consisted of: No pervious political connections. Must be at least 35 years old. Must have a university degree.
Yes, that was it, that’s all it took, so I though this will be good I’ll have a laugh if nothing else. I applied to be president of the world.
So I made it through round after round and hear we are 3 years and 1 billion candidates later and we’re down to the last 5 candidates.
I’m still an underdog. The 4 other candidates are very well known globally but I have made speech after speech and the public feel that I’m a breath of fresh air. I represent the normal everyday people who are trying to work their way up in the world.
Results are still coming in and it seems they’ll be counting for the rest of the week. The process is simple though, the candidate with the most votes wins. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.