I hurry back to this room Safe in this world of alone Seeking only solace, prone A respite from a day consumed
Surrounded by books and paper The noise recedes outside my box Secure from all imagined rocks Riding out my gloomy nadir
It’s not the quiet To which I aspire It is instead
A muse so exquisite That allows me to squire All these words in my head
All of these I admit To vanity and gluttony of the many sins I commit Of promising and pledging Only to submit To treachery and debauchery While bowing to the slit And the secretly excited With the division of a split
To whit I know the ark goes one direction As animals we explore the nether On a timetable of a limited invention Pushing at my stall knowing Sainted I will never be sanctioned But the gods and I can agree About the minimal fiction Of each in this sea
All my life is one I’ve painted In vibrant reds and greens This I’ve felt has successfully tainted The dull palette of day to day To leave behind a life unplainted Is to waste the gifted flesh Take the luminous life and leave it feinted In false worship of a belief That lowers all those acquainted
That lowers all those acquainted