He was only 7lbs 112 ounces of person Of pain and perservenece and pride. 9 months in the making. From the moment they placed him on my chest I knew I could never live without him. That I’d live for him. Steal and lie for him. Let the oldest parts of me die To make room in my heart for him.
Pushing forward with all our might Yet somehow barely moving The path we walk is perilous Crumbling in our wake But the views My god, the views!
You could call us reckless travelers And maybe you’d be right Indifferent to the danger ahead Forgetful of the ruin that lies behind Caring only for the moment And the company
Sometimes passion is poison And it tastes so damn good That we willingly swig from it anyway Fully aware of what we’re bringing Upon ourselves
Will it hurt me? Will it kill me? Probably, but as the light fades And the sound dies away, You’ll find me clutching that bottle With the big black X on it.
Smiling the whole way down.