It’s only for a short time and I’ll be home again soon.
My ear drum has been stabbed, I have fourty five minutes to leave, I hate waking up when it’s dark, Five more minutes, I can’t lay back down, Why do I do this to myself.
It’s only for a short time and I’ll be home again soon.
Where’s my watch? That Cold shower was awful but would’ve impressed any CEO, Shame I wouldn’t tell them that it was because the boiler is on the blink, Do I have time to finish my coffee, I think that’s everything, Better say goodbye but I’ll try not to wake her.
It’s only for a short time and I’ll be home again soon.
The platform feels lonelier than usual, I should’ve warn my big coat, That squashed, battered football brings back memories, Curby between platforms would be brilliant, 06:03, Why is it okay for them to have a delayed start the day?
It’s only for a short time and I’ll be home again soon.
These seats are filthy, I think. Yep. That’s chewing gum on my wheels. The lights are so bright it feels like a police interview, Growing up is a con, That coffee hasn’t made a difference, It could be worse mind you, Time to repeatedly check my email, calendar and booking confirmations.
It’s only for a short time and I’ll be home again soon.