Plot Builder
Sophie Impey
1 min read
Every tear you shed sparks a fire in my heart,
Fulfils me with love, even when we’re apart,
You may be sad my love, but deep down inside,
You know you are happy, with me by your side...
If only I was there
To see that place
Magical and bright
With much space
To see the flowers
With Butterfly’s flying
From ear to ear
Much so trying
To see the green trees
To see the lake so clear
To feel that breeze
To see the frogs
On there pads
To see the doves
Reminding me off Dad
To feel so free
To be me...
There’s that hero
Who saves the day
Keeping everyone safe
In every way
A devil comes along
It touches his soul
He turns to a villain
He runs down that hole
He hides away
In that park
Can’t be in light
Desired to be in dark
People are in danger
They need protection
People look in his eyes
They feel rejection
He feels he is right
But he is wrong
With a price to pa...
If your hand could reach
Inside my heart
Would you play
That loving part
Would you grab it
Squeeze it tight
Feel the pulsing
See the light
Would you take it
Lock it away
Keep it safe
Day to day
Would you cry
Hearing it beat
Suns shining
Trees green
Boats sailing
Upon the sea
Kangaroos jumping
Koalas sleeping
Tigers roaring
Spiders leaping
Pools in the gardens
Roads so bare
Looking around
I start to compare
Lying on the beach
In my bikini
Watching the waves
Crash freely
I’m living the dream
In this state
I must catch this flight
I’m gonna be late...
I see them two
Together for time
Partner in partner
Oh how fine
The Girl is angelic
The boy is not so
Do I make that move
Or do I run and go
The boy has her heart
She has his soul
Yes I set them up
But do I regret that goal
I ought to have her
But I know I cannot
So I must do good
And let them tie that knot
I now drift off
I go the other way
Yes I go and fantasise
Each and ev...
Sean Connery
How your rocked
All the acting
Left us shocked
How you did good
At being Bond
Just like
You waved a wand
All the suspense
Left us shook
So intrigued
As if was a book
What a handsome man
Everyone’s crush
Everyone’s Fan
What a kind soul
You once had
Never forgotten
Hand in hand...
Here we go
Another Lockdown
Seeing people
Sad and frown
Closing doors
Shutting away
Streets be dark
No light of day
The cold nights
No children playing
Stuck in there bedrooms
Always complaining
Staring at walls
Looking at clocks
Dressing up
In woolly frocks
Hot drinks
By the fire
Watching films
Feeling tired
We can get through
This horrible Diseases
Together with hope