When I walk upon you , I feel the warm and Grady specs , when I look down , it reminds me of the beginning of an pie . It’s crusts . I walk further , I’m surrounded . My nothingness. The same shades in the sky as they are a far . I am naked and so is everyone else. I hear the chirping and squeaking of birds along with bouncing balls . Later that day I can now see the difference . Above reminds me a fancy sherbet ice cream melting away beautifully . Below, is a darkness the deeper you walk in . Where am I ? What is my landscape ?
Front and center :naked and bold . Backstage : Afraid , hidden & old . Main : “I’m fearless and a reject . I don’t care
Behind : “ did they like me ? Was I okay ?”
I put on these masks , based on who I am around ? When will I ever stop acting ? When will I ever be me ? Who am I ? What am I ? A mere person of who everyone wants me to be, but me .
I believe that the idea of unicorns , stemmed from somewhere. However, I do not believe that the unicorn itself exists but I will not knock it . As everyone knows unicorns are often seen as the good guys, but we also know that as information gets passed down, things can become misconstrued, meaning that there is a possibility of unicorns being the bad guy !