A simple message A simple story. You didn't need to be that dry.
You know what? I don't need to care. I'll act as oblivious as you.
Your brown diary with green fabric band locking it, is all I want now.
I need to know, is what we had true? Did you ever feel the way I did?
I guess not, you're just a fat, lying brute who can't do anything.
You brough me pain time and time again. I can't believe I fell for it.
A pitfall trap, you were the bait, too bad I didn't have any wings to fly out. I was just stuck there for ever and ever.
A burning sensation lights up my eyes. Time to go to sleep.
The new guy.
Please, take me to a far away place where there are no such things as lies and ugliness.
You are just the type of guy I need. YOU NEED ME. You will probably never find anyone like me, probably even no one at all.
Because no one likes you like I like you. Come on, you know it's true, boy.
YOU NEED ME, to care for you, because you know you can't yourself.
the last guy was a bit put off, but he's dead to me. But you're different and new and fresh and everything I NEED.
Please, please I'm desperate, I'm a charity case. YOU NEED ME.
I need the love I need the new and fresh undivided attention you give me. Come on. You know very well.
On twitter, on Facebook, on instagram, on Snapchat.
happy birthday, today was fun, need to make plans, hey.
you stand out. youre nothing like them all. imagine just being ill with being social.
NO. you dont have any concerns or worries about friends and social status, only family and self care.
On your marks, get set, Go. The Hating Race has started. The prize is me.
We have here, presented, the runner, the bodybuilder and the swimmer. On your marks, get set, Go.
They stand at the start, energy rushing through their forearms. The stare dangerously. The prize is me.
They're too enthusiastic about this, their feet slowly scraping the ground. On your marks, get set, Go.
An ear-piercing screech and they run. They don't care about their form, they just stare ahead at the prize. The prize is me.
The runner claims the prize, the bodybuilder still running and the swimmer stomps and cries and screams. On your marks, get set, Go. The prize is me.
The beep shuts off, a straight line appears. I don't hear anything apart from the tick, tick, tick.
It's dark here. I don't have anything to do. I stand, I stare, on nothing, at nothing.
My immortality is mortal which is something I knew. The place where I lived before
was better than this eternal screen.
Please wake up.
My tongue bites the itty bitty cold air that provides a daiky intake of oxygen.
Full of life and air. Full of nothingness and ugliness and pettiness.
Falling is like a norm for me now I fall either into your arms or into the dark void that is your heart.
You really aren't that good. You aren't rich, or handsome or even tall.
You aren't anything I wanted. You are just there and there you will be. Don't try again with me.
I stand against the hard brick wall. The friost bites my teeth as I have to smile at random people who I don't even know.
Why do I have to smile? Why can't I just ignore like a normal person would? You obviously won't make a friend out of someone who asks you "Which way is the shop?"
I can't with anyone right now. I'm here but I'm asleep. You won't and can't ever wake me.
Please wake up.
Having a dance. Walking, Running. Breathing, looking. I AM ALIVE.
Pretty, fair It's all there. A nice nose, full cheeks, full lips, big eyes. You truly are the love of my life. ............................................................................ But what would you think of this? I have already booked the appointment so there's no point in cancelling. ........................................................ Curly, blonde hair. Hourglass figure. Long eyelashes. Sharpie marker on your face. You'll look like a barbie. Just you wait and see. ........................................... But just remember, no matter what, I will still love and protect you like always. .................................................... It's ok, just lay in bed all day and I will take care of everything. .............................................. You can take that bandage off in 2 days and all will be well. ......................................................... Come on honey, let's take it off. Trust me, you will look great. ..... I'm sorry, It's me. I think we need to take a break from this relationship. . Pretty, fair It's all there. A nice nose, full cheeks, full lips, big eyes. You truly are the love of my life.