Brick by brick by
By brick
“I love you, too”
“I think so, too”
“Oh my god, me, too”
I fling them through the windows of churches- but not real churches like church churches, but REAL churches like little benches in courtyards that everyone knows not to sit on because Mr. and Mrs. Gallegos have their names engraved on the top. Like book pages with no bent corners because G...
What were you thinking?
You fucking left me here.
You took everything with you when you went.
The world is so different now.
You fucking left me here.
All the promises. All the plans.
The world is so different now.
I hate all the places we didn’t get to go.
All the promises. All the plans.
All the dreams. All gone.
I hate all the places we didn’t get to go.
Like that one little restaurant on ...
There’s day. And there’s night.
My leaves love the former. It’s warm, and it feels nice to be warm. I can stretch and bask in the light that comes and it’s so WARM.
Soft smiles on sidewalks, quick waves out driver side windows in traffic, hugs that pin arms to ribs and rock back and forth like wa’a on gentle tides. Warm. Easy.
My leaves love that.
My petals, the latter.
It’s brisk. Whisper...