You should have seen it coming. The past month he had kept coming to you, telling you that something was following him. Of course you just brushed it off, the boy had an imaginative mind and was always talking to his imaginary friends. A week before his disappearing he had visited you in the night many times. Telling you that there was something under his bed, or in his closet, or lurking outside his bedroom window. You told him it was just a night terror and to go back to sleep. The day of his disappearance he had woken up pale. He looked like he was on his death bed. Sweat clung to his forehead and his eyes were sunken in. His hands were clammy and he looked like he hadn’t eaten in days. He complained of being cold, his body shivering, but as you place your hand on his forehead it felt like he was on fire. Not knowing what the cause of this was your mother phoned the school, telling them that your brother was sick. You, however, were not and was still forced to go to school. Upon arriving at school you were feeling odd, peculiar. Almost as of your head wasn’t screwed on just right, almost like you were in a dreamy state. You knew you were most certainly awake when one of the football jocks pushed by you in the hallway causing your books to slip and fall to the floor below. You slowly knelt down to pick them up but as you were gathering them you heard your name being spoken. It was just above a whisper, like the leaves talking in the wind. You shook your head paying no mind to it as you made your way to your chemistry class. Somehow you had manage to make it through the school day but on your walk home you heard the faint whisper of your name being called once again. You turned around looking for the source of the noise.
“Hello’ you called out ‘who’s there?” You waited there for a few moment your eyes darting around looking. There was no answer. You continued your walk home only to be met with a bunch of people and police cars gathered in your front yard. You hurriedly rushed into your house, scanning around for your mother or brother.
“Mom?!” You called out your eyes finally landing on her form that was curled up into a little ball on the couch. A blanket was wrapped around her and multiple people were trying to comfort her.
“Mom, what happened?” You asked upon approaching her. Slowly she raised her head her eyes meeting with yours. Dried tears stained her cheeks as more flooded from her eyes.
“Your brother,’ she gasped ‘he’s gone. No one can find him.” She said holding back a sob.
“Gone?’ You questioned, ‘what do you mean gone?” She looked up at you trying to speak but failing miserably as a tremor shook her body.
“She went to grab your brother a glass of water, when she came back he was gone.” A police man says coming up behind you.
“We’ve been trying to find any clues as to where he may have gone but haven’t found anything so far.” He says quietly as another sob wracks through your mother’s body. Not believing what you had heard you rushed out of the house not stopping until you were at the edge of the woods. Your breath hitched in your throat as you heard your name once again. You must be going crazy, there was no explanation for this. No one was around and everything was silent. You peered into the woods, looking for something, anything. You were about to turn back to the house when something caught your eye. Looking back you saw what looked like a black velvety smoky shadow slithering between the trees. It glided smoothly silently beckoning you to join it. Hesitantly you waked forward, your body in a trance as you followed the mysterious shadow, hoping that it would help find your missing brother.