24🪐 1st born wonder of the world.🖤
24🪐 1st born wonder of the world.🖤
We were crazy to think we could actually be together. I think I fell in love with you the first day I met you, it wasn’t the sex that did it for me. It was simply your mind, the way you think. I can see it when you look at me the way you do. Our hearts beat at the rhythm of one I know I could never be enough for you. When you think of my name remember and say she loved me I mean she really did love me. I feel it in my blood and bones I’d risk the whole world for you. Farewell, my almost lover.
Stuck in the darkness of my mind I search for you inside the broken pieces. You left me in the middle between love and sadness, you left your pain inside of me. Like the telephone booth in the middle of nowhere I too am lost. Please find me! Please come back to me. I’m alone my heart is filled with bright red love pumping away the emptiness you left inside me and it feels like I’m dying.