Plot Builder
Travis Perry
1 min read
It’s here I belong
With my body melding with yours
And my heart beating
To the music of our souls...
Ignorant is one who is born,
And lives as they are.
If you seek to stand alone,
And prove each life Is sacred
Take the journey of truth
And slay the darkness
That tempts us all.
But be aware this knowledge…
For a transformation
Isn’t without sacrifice.
And a journey for truth
leads to great grief
But at least you will know.
And is knowledge not…
the utmost goal in existence...
I find myself looking inward
even when I try to escape.
It’s in the books I read,
The films I watch,
The Artists I praise,
that remind me the beauty of life.
But I often disregard myself…
Immersed in worlds that distract
from a life I don’t know how to live....
This isn’t the first,
but then what was the last?
It was here and gone,
but a feeling can’t be masked
The life I’ve lived is both one,
and many.
Despite a broken mind,
I still cherish memories.
This melody repeating,
I’ve heard once before…
But perhaps it’s not a song,
I’m just striking the same chord....
There was a relief,
in feeling the storms approach.
Perhaps I’ve wanted it to come.
Maybe I was just sick of waiting.
I watched it pulverize
like a movie on the screen,
and held onto the what was left
as if it wasn’t going to disappear....
Through and through
Running like hell
And forgetting why.
Various things I tried
In every life I’ve lived.
Some thing’s just never change....
Here your thoughts are irrelevant,
and that weight is finally gone.
Nothing matters anymore,
and isn’t that what you wanted?
In a place of nothingness,
There’s nothing to lose.
But without the possibility of loss,
You’ll never feel again....
I’m transfixed by my shadow,
when no path is certain.
I watch the steps it takes
as if I’m following someone else.
It’s a path I’ve created,
though these steps are not by choice,
But feelings that bind me
to the end of my story...
A fire burned here
And I’m laying in the ashes,
Changed but incomplete
I await the smoke to lift me
And fly me away
from this grief I set ablaze...
To experience the golden hour
Through serene country roads
Where fields of grass
become the sun itself
Bursting radiating warmth
across the infinite...