“I know where all the missing socks go.” My wife whispered in my ear like she was telling me the universes biggest secret.
“Where? Where do all the missing socks go?” I replied in a halfway sarcastic manner while she looked at me with excitement but hesitation, afraid I would be mad.
“Okay I’ll tell you but you promise you can’t be mad. Everytime i find one of your socks on the ground a throw it away.” She rushed through the sentence before I could even agree to not be mad.
I dig through piles of clothes every single morning to find two matching socks. Sometimes I will find 6 different types of socks before finding a matching pair.
Before I could even respond and sat there with a dumbfounded look of confusion on my face she blurted “Well you just leave them there on the floor and it annoys me so I throw it away…..”
Not knowing how to really respond to my wife recklessly discarding my socks without my knowledge I continued to blankly stare at her. I don’t even know what emotion I was feeling. I wasn’t mad, obviously I was a little bit annoyed. But really thought it was fun that she had a secret from me. It was one of the more playful moments in our relationship recently.
I can endure the pain of finding matching socks every morning if it means I can see her be giddy and playful like we used to.