Plot Builder
Check out the book I’m writing on Royal Road! New chapter published weekly
2 min read
Eda wiped the sweat from her brow as the heat of the red sun beat down on her. Her horse, Goldie, reered in discomfort as the heat of the sandstone seared her worn hooves.
“Woah there, girl,” Eda said softly as she patted the horse gently. “Just a few miles left.”
She held her bandana over her mouth as wind and dust pushed against her like sandpaper. She had been sheltered from the wind by the ...
A large silhouette skulked through the back alleys of an unassuming New York City. The light of the full moon pressed down on the form of a huge beast covered in brown fur. The creature’s lips were quirked up to bare it’s teeth; a vile black ooze dripping from between it’s pointed fangs.
The beast labored through the trash laden streets, taking slow and heavy steps. It cared little for whatever m...
4 min read
Helena sighed as she peered through the window at the guardian that protected her grove. The wooden golem’s once pristine features were faded and chipped away from years of fighting. She could sense the magic holding the thing together fading, and soon she would have to make another. The witch-hunters’ frequent attempts to capture her may be laughable, but they had a strength in numbers that could...
1 min read
Kate wiped down the countertop for what felt like the hundredth time that day. It wasn’t like the small cafe was empty; quite the opposite in fact. On days like this, customers would come in, order maybe one thing, and then linger to do work on their laptops to the sound of gentle raindrops hitting the roof. The sound was quite nice, and Kate wished she could grab her laptop and finish her homewor...
As the hazy light filtered through the trees growing from the shallow lake, an unassuming man sits in his rowboat; fishing pole in hand. The sun hung low in the orange sky, with plants stretching up above the early morning fog to receive its golden light. The fisherman had his straw hat draped over his tired old eyes, seeming to be entirely unaware of his surroundings.
Despite his unimpressive ap...
Against the stone wall of the cave, a scraping talon sounds. Echoing through the narrow passageway, the rhythmic scratching and tapping gradually grew faster and more frantic. Soon it became accompanied by deep huffs and high pitched screeches. The sound alone would send a full grown man to his knees in fear, but not a soul was near enough to hear it; the creature made sure of that.
Deep inside a ...
3 min read
I had always been a useless alchemist. As an apprentice to the Royal Alchemist, my father, everyone expects great things from me. I knew all the recipes and techniques but my potions were never as strong as they should be. My father says that I’m just inexperienced but I know that it’s because I’m only half elf. Because of my human mother, I don’t have the inherent magic that all Elves should. I h...