I stare into her eyes and I get lost in them, how can I not get lost in those beautiful eyes, filled with a whole universe, whenever I stare at them I can not find a way out, all I see is brightness, warmth and love. Her eyes shines bright as the sun itself, the sun is wamr but her eyes are burning fire, they burn my soul, but it does not hurt me at all, even if it does I wouldn’t hide myself from them, I could stare at them for all eternity, when I stare at them for a second I find myself in an endless labyrinth, where I feel like time stays still, and to be honest injust don’t want to find my way out, a second that I look into her eyes feels like an eternity of peace.
I went to slpeep and I woke up in this strange world, I don’t know nothing about it. It seems strange, I’ve been told that this is the real world, the reality, which means they are the ones who actually make things come true. I’ve seen the way they look at the world I live in and they seems to enjoy it, I wonder why? They love it, it seems like they enjoy watching my world instead of living in their reality which is beautiful, my world is just a loop that has nothing to offer, it’s just a pattern that repeats itself over and over again, but they live in the real world, how come they’re not aware of that, how come they’re not living it. They have freedom or so k thought, but it seems that freedom means nothing to them, my life is written and I can’t change it theirs is free, they can write their own life, how come they try to live others life and not enjoy their own. It seems like they have freedom physically but their mind and soul isn’t free at all.
We wake up every morning not realizing the sunrise, we go to sleep without looking at the sunset and not even aware of the moonlight, we’re so lost in our thoughts that we don’t realize what is happening around us, we’re to busy to take a moment and look around and contemplate the beauty of life, we’re too busy to take a moment of our life to hear the birds sing in the morning. Why is that? I wake up every morning wondering that, I go to bed asking the same question, and that is just how busy I am to contemplate the beauty of the world, I’m just another person who is busy in its own world just like everyone else, I guess we will die not knowing what is the true me aiming of life or every single person has its own me aiming of life, and that is how we spent the rest our life wondering questions about the meaning of life.
I saw the moon following me today, and I thought I was special since I’ve been followed by the moon itself, I felt so happy, I did kept that to myself for a long time, during that time I felt like there was no other human being that felt happy as I did, I decided to tell someone else. I’ve been followed by the moon, and they laughed, I didn’t understand why they laughed, so I told them again: “I’ve been followed by the moon, for a very long time” and I thought they laughed because they didn’t believe me, but they laughed because the moon was not following anyone, the moon it was there shining for everyone who appreciated her beauty. I didn’t understand why she was there for everyone. So one night I looked up with tear in my eyes yelling at her. Why? Why did you made me feel special when I was just like everyone else, I thought that you were there just for me, why did you followed me? Why do you follow everyone, wasn’t I the only person who you should follow, am I not the only one who looks up and appreciates your beauty?. She saw me crying and she replied: you all are precious and special to me, you’re as special as everyone else. You’re the only one who thought that way of me following you, your thoughts are the only ones who are hurting you, is the way you think and the way you want things to be, you’re blinded by your delusional world. I don’t want to hurt your feelings but the truth is nothing as your ideals are, so just remember I’m what you think of me. I am what you desire when you look at me, remember when you look up and no one is there for you I’ll always be here to listen to your heart. So yes you’re special just like every single person.
I can’t tell what changed, could be the way the sunlight gets trough the windows, or maybe the carpets has been changed, or the way the door closes, or the smell of the can room, or could be the solitude that I drove myself into, after all I’m the only one who locked myself in this particular place filled with despair and madness.
We are beings that love so much but cares so little, how many times have we fallen in love and forget about ourselves because of someone else becomes priority, and that other side doesn’t even feel the same about us. How can we forget ourselves when it comes to love someone else, isn’t our priority to love ourselves first and then love others, but we choose to love others first instead of ourselves, we stay attached to that love that we planted in our own fantasy, that die of being in love with others just hurts, and we want to stay in that place because the idea of having a chance to be loved by that person the same way we love them keeps us going, but that is wrong we just hope that one day they will love us back but deeply we know that that won’t happen, we even prioritize their well being before ours, I guess we do care so little, but do they feel the same thing about you, I don’t think so, and that person who we idealize things with is attached to someone else who will never feel the same about them and that could hurt us, I guess we do care about others after all.
We are human beings, the most rational being in this world or so we call ourselves. What is the true definition of rational, every single person has its own definition of that word, or we have a universal definition but seems like we understand it differently, then how come we are so selfish, we forget about everything else but ourselves, we only think of our good being, which is not a bad thing, but that hurts others, let’s say our loved ones, there will always be a time we’re there is a situation that puts us in between ourselves or the ones who we love and we chose ourselves instead, and that hurts, it hurts us at the end and it hurts others around us, we live in an agony that forces us to love ourselves more then we love others, so we’re is the rationality in that society that is slowly becoming less rational. Or dying.
Can we ever think of an exceptional moment when we stare at the ceiling in the dark with our thoughts flying in the sky, having thoughts that we could never say it out loud, thoughts that can kill or can heal, but at the end of the day it all us in though of a golden afternoon, under the sky of a cloudless blue.