Plot builder
Hazell Clarke
1 min read
Fun can be anything It could be playing games To going to sleep but my Type of fun is being alone With no one to judge me
Water spatters on my face As I feel like a descace When all the memories come back I feel like I want to hold Back the memories Of our friendship the friendship You ruined you even ruined me
You say you love her But you don’t know her You don’t know the struggles she’s been through You don’t know the struggles she’s going through You don’t even know what’s going through her mind But you say you love her
Flying used to be my dream But now it’s to be like everyone Else all pretty and p..p.. P E R F E C T Flying used to be my dream But now it’s about being all Pretty and p..p.. P E R F E C T
You never know how far a hill goes Until you get to the top You never know how far you can Go until you fall
Betrayal is so odd It’s always the ones you love the most That do it to the point where you’re so hurt A pain that takes over like A knife went strait through your Back and they pulled it strait back out To make the pain unbearable
I cry as the sun starts To show then i remember It all might go away but No it stays to SCAR ME
As tears over took I felt like I was stuck My head banging against the wall Crash Smack Into the wall and back into the wall Until I could feel this Shocking dreadful pain That would last forever
What is love anymore? I feel like every time I’m In love My heart gets pulled out and stomped on What is love anymore? Is it what old people in the park feel ? Is it the people we see haveing fancy dates ? What is love anymore ? Is love even real ?
Fear crawls through Me everyday the fear of not Being perfect The fear of being alone The fear of what people think of me The fear that I’m embarrassing But you have to put them fears bhind And fight your fears