I feel green, but what might that mean?
Might it mean I’m full of life from my head to my feet. Am I the start to growth into a new beginning, do I give life to everything around me?
If so, why, why do people think my color is to express disgust when I’m far from such atrocious word.
My color is the most lively thing out there, my color is life.
Life isn’t full without you While I ignored when I had you, I just wanted you to be in a place where it was only you and me. I took advantage of that and now, life isn’t full without you. What kind of monster in the dark took you away from me. It’s odd, strange that life isn’t full without you anymore. Even though you are gone time in life keeps going at varies paces like cars on the road. Yet, life isn’t full without you. I can convince myself to live on, but never forget that in a world in which you don’t exist, life isn’t full without you.
Trying to tell you I love you creates such pressure in my throat. I have to tell you. I swallow my owns words. I need to tell you. I love you is what I said. I explained in various details. You are my comfort and I love you. I expected the same back when you would tell me under the sun that it was you and me together. You didn’t lie to me, I just fooled myself into thinking there was a possibility for something never true.
The moonlight is out and it’s cold. In a room where the walls echo any noise, is where I’m at. In this room is a open window, but I’m laying here with a girl in my arms. The breeze sneaks in and dances a slow steady dance with her hair. Her face pale, lifeless, and her body fragile. Sliding the knife smoothly on her face, I cut her. Blood runs down her face like a river. I cut her face off, it’s like slicing meat at a cool pace. There’s no blood. To a surprise, all I saw under the face I had skinned was me. It’s me. A expression of paranoia ran down my face. Laugh after laugh from the girl who’s me. The walls joined in on my misery and laughed at me. My ears hurting to the echos of her laughs bounce right back to me over and over again, forever.
I try to love, you have to understand I don’t feel a single thing. But I love you. I feel suffocated without your presence, but distance myself even more. I look for you in silence around a crowd. But even so, I don’t love you. Now matter how many thoughtful things I can do for you, I don’t love you. I just want to feel.