As my UNEVEN world spins I wait for a call. My family was going on a trip and as we are getting on the train I swear I checked that everyone was here but when it was time to get a car Melanie was no where to be see. My husband and I looked at each other, both appalled that we LOST her. I start panicking, we go down to the police station and ask them to call the house and in that EPIC moment when we hear our little girls voice, all the worries fade out of my mind.
As I sat at my desk on the 16 floor of Jackson Tower looking at the note, I was completely unaware of the assassins alarms going off. The note read THE AUTHOR IS LOOKING FOR YOU and as I read that , a cold chill went down my back and I new it was happening.
Every year in the country of Augustine children ages 13-31 had to play in a 48 hour long game of assassins. President Wrightbart thought it would be a great idea to have these games to solve the over population problem in our country.
I race to my office balcony where I left my jet pack in case of this exact moment and strap in as I blast off the ground I immediately start scanning through the sky for my family’s safe house. When I see it hidden by the trees in the forest I try my best not to draw attention to my self landing.
Our family has been planning this day every. Year since I was born. My mother, Tasha,is in charge of getting food and any meds or med supplies we could need. In her spare time she is a nurse at the hospital down town.
My father, Hugo, works close to the country’s assassins coordinator. That’s how I knew that I am The Author’s target. Now I know The Author has won every game since I was born,but I have been training for this my whole life. So now I must find the Author at any cost ,before the Author finds me.
It’s past nightfall and Charlie hasn’t come home yet and I start to panic. I called Jeremy’s house phone to ask if he was still there but Mrs. Wallace said “I’m sorry dear, he left half an hour ago.”
I take a flashlight from my moms night stand and put on my rain boots and start trudging through the rain, taking the route he takes to Jeremy’s house.
By now it’s almost pitch black out and I hear wind whistling through the trees and wolves howling in the distance. As I’m walking I start to thinking the worst and I think to myself “ I should have went and got him and not let him come back on his own. He is too young to have walked back by himself”.
As this comes in to my mind I walk by the old Crawly place and I freeze in my tracks when I see the night stalker sitting on a rocking chair on the porch with a devilish smile plastered on his face.
I bolt for my life hoping that I was just seeing things. In Greyson as a kid I was always told that The Night stalker was not real and it was only an old wives tale but my childish mind alway believed it but now I don’t know who or what in this town I can trust. In the back of my mind I am holding on to my last shred of hope and praying that Charlie is at home tucked in bed and as far away from this horrific creature.