Mr. Dawson, our parents’ attorney, began reading their will as we sat in the cold conference room of the law firm they always used. I still couldn’t believe we were here at my parents will reading. One second my parents safely driving to the store and next thing I know a police officer is knocking on my door telling me that there was an accident. “We wish for the entirety of our estate to be split between our daughters Shana and Lisa.”
“Wha- what about me?” I asked.
“Well, I’m sorry Penelope but you were not included as a part of your parents will.” Mr. Dawson replied.
My jaw dropped open and I couldn’t believe was I had just heard. “How could I not be included. I AM their daughter just like Shana and Lisa.”
Later that evening we all went back to our parents house. But I just couldn’t contain myself any longer “HOW COULD I RECEIVE NOTHING!”
My sisters all got to split our parents ten million dollar estate. But I get left out.
“It not that big a deal Pen. The money doesn’t matter.” Shana, my oldest sister responded.
“Ya, maybe not to you since you got your money. Mom would always go on and on about how great I was. Yet everything goes to you two.” I just can’t believe that after everything I did for our parents they don’t include me in the will at all.
“Ungrateful much? Lisa and I were not the ones who used mom and dad as our own personal ATMs.” Shauna responded. I mean I might have relied on mom and dad for support longer than Shana and Lisa did but I wouldn’t say I used them as ATMs. They always were offering to help me out, giving me money helping to support the lifestyle they wanted me to have.
“It’s absolutely ridiculous that I just wouldn’t be included at all. I deserve to receive something. Maybe I should be contacting my own lawyer.”
“You can try that, but I would say that mom and dad’s wishes were fairly clear. And that was that you get nothing.”