IS Paisley
Aspiring memoir author currently seeking to exercise my imagination and one day expand into fantasy.
IS Paisley
Aspiring memoir author currently seeking to exercise my imagination and one day expand into fantasy.
It all comes crashing down on me, the reality of what I'd been oblivious too since I was a child. It makes sense now, the way Noelle had always known my deepest secrets. Blinded by my unconditional trust in Maggie, whom I'd always shared the depths of myself with. In our family, adopting a mink for a companion wasn't common. Rabbits and toads, yes, but in our region you would never stumble across a mink. By way of fate I had thought, one day whilst picking berries in the garden, I came across a small and slender creature. Her eyes were black as night, her budding curiosity making them twinkle. Her brown fur made her blend into the brush, but it was the twinkle of her eyes that caught my attention. I made sure to slow my movements, gently dropping a berry into my basket and reaching out my hand for her to sniff. It was as if from the moment she touched her damp pink nose to my finger, I knew she would be a part of me for a long time to come. And I was right, of course. I just never could have predicted she would be the worst part of my future.