Every night, when The moon rises And the sunlight fades from the sky You lose sight of your shadow Have you ever wondered why? Each night, our shadows detach from our feet Left to wander through the sea of darkness Creeping as a fog Invisible to our eyes, our ears, our noses Not visible at all They take to the streets walking slow, or fast Keeping just out of sight of the streetlights Silent as cats feet They swirl and swirl outside Not a soul truly knows What the shadowwalkers do each night
A debate of merely speculations Its unlikely we find the truth As to what the scary shadows really do Children shiver in fear of their shadows Despite being friends by day Their impenetrable cold only being chased away By the scorching heat of the sun
Some say that these shadowwalkers circle Anybody out past dark Circling like a pack of wolves Bloodthirsty with the hunt
Perhaps more similar to vultures Circling over the already dead For if You’re out that late Your life is already at an end
When the world gets too loud Too bright Too sharp Too much There will always be somewhere that I go I call it my hiding place When mommy and daddy have had too much to drink Or they start arguing Yelling in each others' face I creep upstairs To my favorite spot Yes, my hiding place Cocooned under mounds of blankets and pillows Shielding me from the world It can't reach my favorite spot Yes, my hiding place
In my hiding place Where the world can't reach I'm completely in control I can sing the loudest sound Or sing none at all I can sleep soundly in the darkness Or play gaily in the light I can imagine a place far away I can hide from my fright
( just a short little poem for fun)
I approach the poor old house Withered be it's bones It awes me to think This house was once my home For it seems more empty than I remember It used to be filled with life Now it lay empty instead Filled with naught but cobwebs and bones This house has truly become dead
I remember when I first moved in It did seemed wonderful It wasn't just a house to me For then it was my home Time passed, and all seemed well But little did I know. Day by day, the tree outside Its roots grew and grew It tore up the foundation And then my home fell through
The tree didn't know My house was my home But my house sure did And the building I trusted to stand steadfast Through storm and hurricane Let the tree Bring it Crashing To the ground
Now I look towards this old house Knowing there's nothing inside I know I could go inside if I want But for some strange reason I can't quite bring myself to try
Deep inside me, I know to be true The key he had given to me still fit the lock But the house no longer feels like home
(Note: feel free to give me feedback, just please don't be mean. Keep in mind I'm barely a teen and this is my first time doing something like this for people to read )