I woke up dazed with a pain in the back of my head. I tried moving but was restrained by ropes. All I remember before getting here was leaving my local convenience store. I had walked down the side walk past an alley. And then, nothing. I looked to the drivers seat. A man witty a mask sat there, driving hurriedly. He seemed like he needed to get somewhere, and fast. He looked in the rear view mirror and starred me in the eyes before his eyes returned to the road. I don't remember much before salvation came, but it started raining just before my saviors came. As if on cue, 4 police cruisers started closing the van in. He swerved several times before crashing into a light pole. The cruisers surrounded the car before the officers stepped out, guns pointed at the drivers seat. I started screaming at the top of the lungs for help, alerting the officers of my presence. They immediately yelled at the man to exit the vehicle. He complied and they got me out the vehicle. I started breaking down in tears. They tried to console me but I wouldn't stop. After a few minutes, I finally started to calm down. Suddenly I started to feel dizzy, and I fell to the floor. I woke up in my bed, my room exactly how it was. My shirt on the floor, my copy of Save Me An Orange, right near the desk exactly where I left it. It was all, just a daydream.