Dear Journal; Here. In the middle of the forest, I feel calm. No violence, just peace. This feeling has been gone for a while now. I want to stay here forever. 11/12/1920
Dear Journal; There is so much peace and stillness here. The calm is overwhelming, like it’s engulfed my life to its own mind. I hear birds now, and large stomps. Heavy stomps. Like a troop of them. I began to worry. I don’t want to leave the quiet, but I must. 11/13/1920
Dear Journal; I have returned to the forest, and found a stump to write on for today. The striking silence has returned. It feels eerie ever since the animal approached. I’ve decided to bring my items, I’m going to stay for the night 11/141920
Dear Journal; Gunshots. All around. Their bullets crack the silence. I feel I might die here. The shots get closer every time. Tell Susie and Evelyn I will be thinking of them until I meet them in heaven. Tell Lucille I’m sorry. Tell my family that I’m sorry I never married. Tell them I’m sorry that their bloodline has run dry. Tell everyone to never trust the soundless forest, for the muteness will kill you. 11/15/1920
To Whom it May Concern; This diary now belongs to State Law. Marisa Kate Lovell has been convicted guilty by the press for the murder of Lucille Joy Farren. Her crime was considered to be worthy of death. My troops had been tracking her down for 3 days until we found her on 11/16/1920. She was shot dead at 0530. -Chief of Police (Mark Wingstone)
Dear Diary,
Today might have been the most chaotic day of my entire life. It started out normal with waking up and eating breakfast and heading to my new job, a junior doctor! I walked into the Maine Children’s hospital, and was greeted by Darcie, the front desk worker. She is a tall sounder woman with a peppy attitude. She told me I was needed in room A10 for a treating a patent. I was greeted by a tall stern man, Doctor Hugh. The whole time he was carefully staring at ever move I made, EVERY MOVE! Then I went to B81 and the E16 and then S42. And I got lost at least 5 times. Hopefully tomorrow is less crazy!
Marie the new doctor in training
Hello there How are you Are you ready To start anew Come with me I’ll show you hell Come along I won’t tell
Here we have the blood full lake Makes most people start to quake Along here the dead bush grave Never makes people stay Come with me I’ll show you hell Come along I won’t tell
The villagers would get angry At any sight of me Come along I’ll be quick I’ll show you where true fun begins Come with me I’ll show you hell Come along I won’t tell
Here we have the dead man’s nest They sit their as they rest Over there the bone filled creek Don’t ask why it all ways weeps Come with me I’ll show you hell Come along I won’t tell
Our final stop on this hellish adventure Come right here it’s in the center It’s the fountain of hellish mess It’s always asking for a bless Come with me I’ll show you hell Come along I won’t tell
Well we’re back where we began There is no hell inside this land Good bye my friend I’ll see you soon When hell will rise and take you Come with me I’ll show you hell Come along I won’t tell