I only saw her for a moment. As I took a cab into the heart of a busy street that was so colorful it had no color at all, just for a second, I caught her beautiful hazel eyes through the cafe’s tinted window sill. And even if I only saw her for a second, she captivated me. Her round face was charming, and from her soft blonde hair, she seemed like she was glowing.
I only saw her for a second, but when she looked at me it felt as if she had reached into my soul revealed it to be softer than it had ever been. When she joyfully smiled, it brought me back to a happier, more simple time with flashes of yellow and green. The slight blush on her cheek reminded me of the beautiful pink and purple sky that looked as if it was painted atop the beautiful dark navy sea. Flashes, flashes of emotions I had forgotten when I saw her giggle.
I didn’t deserve to make eye contact with her.
But when I did,
I could suddenly see again.
The world has suddenly flashed with color. It was blinding. I scratched at my eyes from the sudden jolt of color. When I opened them, the angelic girl from the cafe was gone. The only thing to be seen is the reflection of the taxi cab off of the passing office buildings.
She was gone, and I’m not sure if it was the memories of a loss of childhood innocence or the fact that the flashing colors had changed my life all too quickly, but I felt tears sting my eyes.
To the angel sitting in the cafe, thank you for glancing up at me. Please, if you ever get the chance, smile at me again, stranger. It was the prettiest smile I've ever seen.