Patrick Robinson
Twitter: @Patrickdjokes .Yep yep. Let’s hear it for kindness kids.
Patrick Robinson
Twitter: @Patrickdjokes .Yep yep. Let’s hear it for kindness kids.
Twitter: @Patrickdjokes .Yep yep. Let’s hear it for kindness kids.
Twitter: @Patrickdjokes .Yep yep. Let’s hear it for kindness kids.
My son has got addicted to Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Well he doesn’t know it’s a Dickens. He thinks it’s a cartoon with a high pitched mouse and a Scottish duck. He loves the Scrooge character, especially when he bosses the other characters around. His mum and I try to point out the unkindness of Scrooge and that the story is really about him seeing the error of his miserly ways. Nursery told us he kept saying “Bah! Humbug!” to the other children at pick up time though.
God my teeth are crooked. Haphazard. The front two teeth stare back at me like a motorway chevron. The first time I noticed this wasn’t from a mirror though. It was a banana. The imprint of my bite was like Batman’s logo but instead of in the Gotham sky it sat well-like in the flesh of a fresh banana. Does it matter? I’m self conscious of smiling but that never stops me laughing. It’s nice to see my genuine smile in the mirror because I think if I was someone else, I’d want to have a laugh with me.