Finding a way into a tricky situation has never been a problem for me - although I still haven’t learned the art of getting out of them.
Don’t get me wrong - it’s always an adventure and never boring… the issue is the amount of danger it could bring onto myself, other people, living creatures or the planet. Doesn’t matter how whole or alive any of us might be anyway, it’s still a huge responsibility we can hold.
You know that saying, that curiosity killed the cat? Nobody teaches us that satisfaction brings it back. As long as it’s not TOO risqué, it’s all fair game.
But let me paint you the picture my ass painted itself into; Iiiiiii happen to be in an old ass plane flown by an old ass man. A sugar daddy. Not mine, though!! Don’t worry. It is so rickety and scary and I have no idea what city we’re going to or if the old bloke might have a heart attack mid flight. I also didn’t let anyone know what I’m doing, so if I die? Would be more like a disappearance. A runaway (never to be, by choice though, they’ve tried) bride. But at least I get to experience this.
Oh yeah!!! Forgot to say I’m on molly. Yeah, it’s extra fun but also riskier. This whole little plane is wearing a lacy and leather thong basically.
Anywho!! Wish us luck on landing, I will get my own room! The bay is looking beautiful so far, first time at an airb&b with giant bathrum and a jacuzzi hut in yard! So definitely (unless we crash and die, of course) be VERY very jealous.