Undressed you turn in the dark of the room you alone are, that one that is no longer was and will one day will. Hidden all from the outside eyes, is it shame or just survival? great deals come from the eyes that will no longer hear. us, you, them, i. shame, laugh, dark remedy for the unwell. approval is not allowed when you become we. You is a shame and a disgrace so hidden you stay, lure the shadows and think of how you can change. is it a lie or just a wat to start? would you understand the way i become faceless when you are away? no one will know who can be when they are not being seen, when you are you, you are the truest you. judge the thoughts of shame because they are correct.
Hidden they stay but present on the past, can you see them staring from the window of the roof? You are deaf to yourself, and it is meant to last, maybe you dont want to believe but i can show you proof. so slowly it is a bomb waiting to blast, the human mind is not bullet proof.
Growing the brain when causes are hidden, afraid of pulling the blindfold for what they promised. If you try to change it will it be forgiven? The ones unaware are the calmest.
Stitches, claws and hurt, despite you elevating you will always fall. Dont even say no to a pervert, after all it is all your fault. Hate the one that is your brother and make them introvert, no one ever cares for the one that their eyes know all.
Shame is imposed if you speak, so instead shut your mouth and a puppet you will be. If you see you better take out your eyes, No one wants to see how you cry. Dont believe what you hear because your ears lie, they lie for you to know what they want. Touch is the one proof of nothing, it was never announced the hand of the truth. Taste the poison they give, a snake that deceives is more than a trick under the sleeve.
When you wake up, keep your eyes shut, sleep is good, awake is bad, just pretend, unless you want to die.
You fix your hair with a nonchalant aura, sit with your friends and laugh freely. I stare and a feeling grows in my gut. My life could be so much like yours if things could change all over the place i exist, but that is no more than just a mere dream. Alone i sit while thinking of that alternate world, i keep staring, wondering if there is a world i can be like you. That is funny, because being like you is not enough, i fear there is something even bigger that i seek, is that chance where not only could i get what you have, but be you. Yes, that is it, there is nothing better than the idea of being you, but soon a tiredness feeling arrives. Even if there is no more for me i know that is not possible. Because you are so not alike me, and you are everything i aspire to be. As far as time goes i will continue to stare and, maybe, one day i can be half of what you are.
A job that never rests, all the time working just to take people to the end of their journey. For centuries a job so tiring with barely any rest, if there was no one working, no one would die and that would be a catastrophe. But when the time off arrives, just once in a while, the grim reaper happily leaves humans alone and simply enjoys. Being the grim reaper allows you to have a different vision of things, knowing how life and death works makes you want to love it more, death is so strange and life so different. Gladly you enjoy both, even when you don't want them to die you help them follow their path. The free day is spent on top of a hill, with a lake and flowers, just watching the sun go down. Being the grim reaper after al makes these events the most magnificent of them all.