As I sit and read, I feel the chills of a thousand eyes watching. The winter already left and the summer is upon me. The chill is unknown and undone not matching, The sun shining so bright yet so cold inside the corners. The shadows creeping closer, but not close enough to peer inside, not enough to see what’s watching…watching me The thousand eyes that peer upon me The hundreds eyes that freeze the air around me The ten eyes that leave chills in me The one eye that stares backs at me The eyes that only I can see…the eyes that stare at me, stare through me, and watch around me Why can no one else see? The creeping figures in the shadows… are they there…or are they imaginary? I can’t help but see the eyes looking back at me The shadows creeping towards me The dark shades draped upon them as they draw closer to take me Take me to a place no one else besides me can see The make believe