Half-blood: half god half human, generally lead dangerous lives, often die horrible tragic deaths, live on average to the age of 18 if they’re lucky, usually are very unlucky, sometimes save the world, Percy Jackson is a known legend among the halfboods, sometimes have super cool powers, likely that someone will try to kill them, train at camp halfblood, and are just in general amazing!
I stood on the edge of a cliff contemplating life and this is what I came up with A sea An earth A wind A volcano A person I am all of these things But most of all I am a person I am often hard to read like the sea on a cloudy day churning about I strive to be steady like the ground so sure beneath my feet I am trying to find my way in the world as the wind blows many directions never sure which way it wants to go I do not like sharing secrets or emotions I hide, I run, I wave it off But you can only stay dormant for so long so I came to this cliff to contemplate life and it’s many possibilities, choices and problems I can’t take it anymore I scream, I cry I erupt as a volcano does The difference between me and these things is that they keep doing whatever they’re doing all the time I cannot sometimes I wish I could stay up here on this cliff overlooking the world But I must carry on This is what it means to be a person I feel peace I feel determined I will face this work and I will conquer this world So I look one last time out over the world And I walk back down ready for anything life throws at me