The strike of her boot sounded thunderous in the silence of midnight, as Victoria made her way down the cobblestone path of the graveyard, moonlight cast eerie shadows among the headstones standing in silent desolate rows. She made her way over to the oldest section of the graveyard, where the stones were in disrepair the graves long forgotten and abandoned by their loved one. With trembling hands, she opened the careworn leather diary to the last page marked with a grave rubbing that matched one of the graves. This was the final resting place one the people responsible for the death of her grandfather and start of his family's problems, this person deserved on rest. Tonight Victoria would take steps to bring justice for what had been done to her family, her grandfather had been a great man a true visionary of the ages. All he wanted was to help rid the world of pain and suffering, and instead of being heralded as hero he was ridiculed and murdered. Victoria had found his diary and his notes, she'd attended the finest medical schools she could afford, she'd continued his research in secret never telling a soul. Tonight she would change that, tonight the world would learn of his greatness; she made perfected his research and it was time to show the world the serum she'd developed from it. She pulled a tube from her coat and poured it over the gravesite, almost immediately a pale hand erupted from the soil, glowing with unholy light. Victoria smiled for on this night she had defeated death
Sunlight filtered through the curtains, filling the room with warm golden glow. This was an unacceptable turn of events in Jacob’s mind so instead of embracing the day he dragged the blankets over his head, refusing to acknowledge it was morning. Val had other plans though and he felt the cool air invaded his blanket tent as she slid out of bed. Jacob groaned and made a halfhearted attempt to pull her back into bed. A few minutes later he heard what first sounded like rain, but that didn’t make any sense. He could still see light peeking in the edges of the bed. That’s when when he smelled it, the only aroma that could rouse him from his comfort castle wafted gently down the hall. It was that marvelous meat known to mere mortals as bacon. Aaron couldn’t handle it anymore, he threw his blankets to the side and went to jump out bed, and promptly tumbled to the floor. It was almost as if his bed was betrayed by his sudden abandonment. This did not dissuade Aaron he quickly unwrapped the sheet he hadn’t noticed that as curled around his calf. He stubbled into the kitchen to behold Val pulling out all the stops, using his grandma’s cast iron skillet to fry up those slices of ambrosial delight with eggs over medium just like he liked them. She smiled while wordlessly placing two plates complete with buttered toast on the table. Aaron kissed her quickly with a sly grin before turning his eyes back to the bacon. Scooping up the crispy goodness with just the right balance of crunch and immediately devouring it. This was definitely worth waking up for.
Warmth radiated around Clint as he stirred back to consciousness, but it was so dark he couldn’t see a thing. He tried to remember where he was or how he got there, but couldn’t think over the pounding in his head.
Something felt wrong to him as if the air was damp and recycled, he felt the prickling of fur around him and realized he was completely covered in animal pelts.
He started to panic but stopped himself from moving. “You have to be smart about this, you have no idea who or what is out there” he told himself silently. Taking slow deep breathes he listened.
Dripping came at irregular intervals. This only added to his confusion. “If only my head wasn’t pounding” he thought. He slowly checked himself for injuries doing his best to not move the covering, although keeping it completely still was impossible.
He noticed two things immediately, he had a huge lump on his head which explained the headache, and that the air outside of the pile was bitterly cold.
“Get yourself together Clint,” he encouraged himself “maybe someone found you hurt and is helping you survive. “ deep down he knew that something was wrong though.
He listened to the dripping for what felt like another age but didn’t hear any other sounds.
Deciding he’d had enough he swept off the blankets, and was immediately struck by the icy air. It was far brighter than he expected given the darkness the blankets provided.
A blinding light came from one end of what he could now determine was a cave of some sort, and the dripping came from icicles covering the ceiling. As his eyes started to adjust a shadow fell across tunnels entrance locking the light...