“ I hate Safaris”, said my sister Angela.
“Why?”, I said. “Because that is your thing, not mine.
My name is Francis Weis. I am the oldest of David and Maria Weis. My father is a private lawyer with his own firm, while my mother is an accountant for the First National Bank. With our parent’s income, my sister and I lived pretty well off. My sister Angela Weis and I may be family, however when looking at us, you probably wouldn’t have guessed. I take more of my mom’s looks: Black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. My sister takes after Dad: Blond hair, blue eyes, and light skin. It’s wasn’t just appearances, but also personalities that set us apart. I am an outdoors man. I enjoy camping, fishing, hunting, and hiking through the open woodlands near my house. During the summer, I would spend nearly every night in a tent. Besides camping, I also love wildlife and nature. My Dad bought a camera for my eighth birthday, and ever since, I have used that camera to take photos of all the animals in my area: coyotes, white-tailed deers, eastern grey squirrels, Canadian geese, mallard ducks, box turtles, bobcat, red and grey foxes, and even a timber rattlesnake. My sister, however, is a city girl. My sister enjoys hanging out with her friends, Snapchat, shopping, fashion, and visual design. My sister also enjoys volleyball and wishes to go to Orange County for college to play volleyball. My sister is now a sophomore in high school, while I am now a senior, so she has time to decide where she wants to go. My plan after high school, is to work as a nature photographer to help save money for the University of California, in Davis, for a bachelors in Zoology.
It was late May, and my sister and I had finish our last day of School for the semester. I drove Angela and I home because my parents had an important announcement for us. When we got home, our parents had us sit together for a family meeting in the living room. Apparently, my mom had gotten a large bonus, so our parents decided that this year we had the money to pay for a family vacation overseas. Both my sister and I were excited at the news, we had never been out of the country and there are countries we both dreamed of going too. Our Mom asked for our options about where to go. I said we should go to Kenya and do a Safari, while Angela said we should go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower. It’s has always been Angela’s dream to go to Paris, however, it has always been my dream to go to Kenya and do a Safari since I first saw the African exhibit at our local zoo. Our school already had a special spring break excursion to France for Seniors, so I asked Angela why not go to Kenya since this may be the only time we can go to Africa. Angela said that Safaris were my thing, not hers.
Needless to say there was a lot of arguing on where we should go. It got so bad that Dad got between us and demanded we settle on a place or he and Mom would choose another place instead. It was quiet between Angela and I for a couple minutes afterwards since we both didn’t know what to say. I then remembered that Angela was helping her friend Sarah with making printed t-shirts for a customize t shirt shop Sarah was opening at the mall for the summer. I suggested that if we go to Kenya, then I can used my photography skills to take wildlife pictures for the t shirt designs. Angela said that Paris also would be great on t shirts as well.
I then remembered that I was planning on being a nature photographer after high school, and I could use some of the money I was going to get as a nature photographer to pay for the school trip to Paris during Angela’s senior year. I explained this to Angela and she was shocked I would do that for her. I explained that even though we may not always see eye to eye, we’re still family and family always supports each other. Angela than agreed that we could go to Kenya for our family vacation and we did.
The End.