Writing Prompt
There was a collective gasp of dread and concern.
“I’m fine. It’s not my blood.”"
Continue the story...
Growing up as a little girl was not easy. I was the youngest, my brother was six years older than me. I remember when I was three years old watching my parents argue. my dad hitting my mom. I would go upstairs call the police they would come .my father who was the detective, would show his badge and the police would walk away. This was many years ago thank God things are different now. So many of these insane incidents, that I will get into later on. I come from an Italian family in Bensonhurst. Of course, with all the furniture covered with plastic slip covers. My mom did not work. She was a simple woman subservient to my father every Sunday was pasta. God forbid you didn’t wait for dad, who said at the head of the table. My brother was sort of connected to the wise guys. who every year we would have a barbecue. Luis the lump Frankie, the fish. mafia names were in my backyard. Reminded me of a Rodney Dangerfield movie, but we all had a good time after that was cards. my mother would serve the coffee and make hundreds of dollars from those men as a thank you. this is just the beginning of many other stories and tragedies that occurred in my life. I haven’t even begun to start.
“Well, whose is it then?!” Demanded the scribe, recoiling, with her face white.
That’s when the tears came.
The entire royal court stood and silence as Sir Julian sank to the ground. He sobbed into his hands and he crouched by the castle. Of course they were shocked; no one had ever seen a knight cry before.
Sir Julian had blood on his hands, and a large red stain on his shirt. His beared face was wet from the tears. The tears of a man who had never cried before.
“I loved him!” He wailed, dropping to the cobblestone floors. “And I know it’s a sin and it’s a crime but…” He trailed off as yet another bout of sobs came.
Nobody moved. No one said a word. That’s when the scribe slowly started walking towards the sullen knight, empathy filling her dark brown eyes.
She, too, sat down on the stones, her skirts brushing the ground.
Placing a hand on Sir Julian’s shoulder, she whispered, “I lost my lover, too.”
Nobody in the Irish court thought they would see what they saw that day. But that day, they learned what it takes to break a soldier.
One of the best things about being an international judge for the Cup of Excellence competitions is, when you are not tasting coffees, the host country is compelled to entertain and dazzle you with national novelties and visits to top farms. We interact with the farmers, their families and touch the soil and seeds.
In Burundi, it was mostly similar, tasting cup after cup of potato coffee. There was a common defect in the coffees that caused a whole cup to taste exactly like a raw potato. Sadly, it caused over 30 coffees to be disqualified that year ** footnote progress on this coffee since**
Anywho, this day they toted us the the border with the Republic of Congo, slightly terrifying as our van was boarded and searched by very stern young men in fatigues and automatic rifles. No harm, our brave host shared our esteemed position with the guards who had no interest. So, yep, yep, there's the Congo kids. As we eased away, one of the judges held fistfuls of candy out his window.. for some eager kids to take. He kindly gave all of us candy to pass out, as well, letting us share in his benevolence. As we pulled of I jotted "candy" in my travel journal so I would remember to bring it on my next origin trip.
After that, we were to visit a local river name to see hippopotamuses. Yes, live hippos, notably one of the most aggressive animals in Africa. Why not? Well the boat like craft that shared the African waters could only hold 8 people and there were about 20 of us, so we went in shifts. I went out in the second group, and while waiting we were left to entertain ourselves by looking at a little monkey chained to a tree.^%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
The Day of the Dead it us a special day to celebrate people. Who have passed away. We goin to the Church so that souls may rest in peace. They make diferent dishes and also baby bread Whit colada morada. They pray for the spirits to comeback whit their In that special day. I think the Day of the Dead is for the body is dead although not spirit.
Corin waited in his study until Hanna came in
“Master he is done now.”
“Ok Hanna,.” Corin walk out of the study, heading for the west tower wing Corin was soon at Romingos door Blye ran up to corrin with a strange package stained with blood He handed to Corin then left
Corin opens the door to find Romingo on the floor covered in blood “Romingo.” Corin said while closing quietly. Corin walked to Romingos side He kneeled to inspect his gash
“You need to stop hurting yourself Romingo.”
Corin opened the package, then handed Romingo a really large piece of unusual meat
“It can’t be helped Sir,” Romingo said after regaining some strength back from the meat “The Blood Moon causes me to lash out at anyone or anything.”
“I don’t want to chain you down Romingo,but you’ll hurt yourself more if your loose.” Corin opened a med kit he gotten earlier from Javier
“Sir chaining me up won’t help either, when I shift I grow bigger and the collar would strangle me.”
“Don’t worry Romingo I’ll think of another way instead of restraints.” Corin pulled out a rag then pressed it against his wound
“Sir you should just send me back, I’m a danger to everyone here.”
“Stop that foolish talk, you don’t what to go back to that living nightmare. You made an oath to protect me, so in return I will do the same. Corin looked down at his hands and saw blood
“ I’m not well equipped in the medical field Romingo, stay here I’m getting Chavez.”
Romingo paced around his chamber the door was locked he knew the reason why but it couldn’t be helped, they still feared him
Not Corin of course but the others would fear him Romingo whimpered again as somthing in his body lurched, he fell to the ground trembling. the smell of blood slowly started to override his thoughts he felt his body shift as he lost his mind
Romingo paced the floors on all fours, he could see and remember everything but had no control Romingo glanced at the Crimson moon out his arch-shaped window he howled his deadly call, The wolf lunged to the door and started scratching with his claws
He couldn’t get out that way so he started attacking himself he felt his warm blood drip down his paw he couldn’t control himself
He scratched all night until dawn
Romingo layed on the floor covered in his own blood. He tried not to remember what happened last night but couldn’t the large gash in his arm was proof his body was all scarred. Romingo winced as he got up He struggled to put on his armor again. Then layed by the door
I’m a monster,
Romingo tapped on the door three times
Hanna the castle maid heard him then went of to get Corin
There was a collective gasp of dread and concern. “I’m fine. It’s not my blood.” Elena held up her red hands, her long brown hair pulled into a ponytail. It was midnight, or it was when Elena woke up my family. That could have been hours ago, all I knew was that there was blood on Elena’s hands. A lot. “What happened,” my mother asked, hiding a warm cup of hot chocolate in her hands. She seems awake, even though she wasn’t. This was probably like a dream for her. A bad one. “I-it was dark,” Elena looked into my eyes, her hands held out in front of her. “Please,” she whispered, “I need your help.” I shook my head. The last time Elena needed my help it almost cost me my life. “Elena just go home,” I said, stepping in front of mom. “Just deal with this,” I waved a hand, “Thing on your own.” Elena dropped her dark red hands, “Logan I need your help. I didn’t mean to do it. I thought I didn’t. I thought it was okay, what if he answers me. What if he hates me now?” She started crying, half from fear and half from the loss of sleep. Part of me thought this wasn’t about the blood, maybe it was about something else. “Did you do something?” I asked, stepping out the door and shutting it. My mother didn’t need to hear this. And more reasonably I didn’t need to hear it again. Mom would tell me, she’d think it was a dream. And I’d have to hear all about it. Elena nodded, as she took a deep breath. Her hands started shaking, “I told him thank you,” she cried, “I said thank you, and it had been a year late. What if he answers, I’ll be so embrasssed. I don’t need that. I don’t want it.” Maybe this was a dream, blood, thank you, embrassesment. Maybe it would have all clicked if I weren’t so tired. “Huh?” I asked, letting my eyes fall to the ground. Elena’s feet were bare, she was wearing socks. Brown from the dirt she had to walk through to get here. “Please Logan. I told him thank you. He doesn’t need to know that. I bet he doesn’t even like me. It’s all in my head and I’ve just ruined my life. Tell me I have-no don’t.” My eyes met hers again, “Elena. How does that match, blood and a late Thank you.” She shook her head tears falling to the ground, “I don’t know! All I know is I made a mistake, and I need to fix. . .it but I can’t. It’s over, I can’t even pretend I didn’t do it because I did. And not matter what I do, thst will always be with me. The truth. . . It’ll follow me like a lost puppy-reminding me I’m not perfect,” Elena let out a small sob, “And it’s true.” She falls to the ground, and I stand there. The only light coming from the porch light above us. It flickers, as Elena looks up at me. “I can’t fix this. I can’t go back, I can’t change the past. It’s ironic right? I can’t change the past and yet that’s all I try to do,” she lets out a sad little laugh, “but maybe it’s not ironic, I don’t even know what that means.” The porch light flickers again, “Elena what did you do?” She stands up, “I sent an email. To,” she leans closer, “him-He’d never answer but I feel like I acted weird. He’ll never see me the same again. Never.” What’s the big deal? Maybe I should just fall to the ground. That sounds nice, sleep. “I don’t get it.” Elena sighs, “I can’t undo the email. And I need-“ I hold up a hand, “What does that have to do with the blood?” She looks at her hands, “I lied.” She lifts her shirt to reveal a giant gash. It’s across her whole stomach and is bleeding like a waterfall. I stare at her, all the sleep I used to have is now gone, “You-you,” She nods, “I told you. I embarrassed myself. It seemed like the only option. It is,” she pause, “the only option.” I shake my head, “Elena it’s not.” A car drives by, it’s head lights turn on. Elena jumps, her face growing pale white. “Logan if there was another option I’d take it. Don’t you see that. . .” I didn’t see that, embarrassment sucked but hurting yourself it seemed a little up there. “Just help me Logan.” Elena grabbed my hand the feeling of the dried blood made shivers run up and down my spine. “Kill me.”
My brother ushers me to the ambulance as my partner who I’ve known since their rookie year breathes a sigh of relief. It was so great. Everyone around us couldn’t tell where it ended and the shaking from his head to his toes began. I saw tears even from the bus on the other side of the scene.
There was a collective gasp of dread and concern.
“I’m fine. It’s not my blood” I hurried to clear up any misconceptions of the red substance dripping from my head.
“But it’s MINE” Lyla gasped beside me.
Everyone hurried over and started fussing. What a drama queen.
I rolled my eyes as people brought over bandages and disinfectant to treat the hole in Lyla’s shoulder.
“Was she shot?”
“This was supposed to be a supply run!”
Xen, help us out! Get some tea at the LEAST!”
“You should have been more careful, Xen!”
“Why is it you EVERY TIME!”
I decided to make the tea run as people kept talking over eachother trying to find out what happened. Funny, because they weren’t actually giving me time to speak.
The sweet smell of chamomile started to waft which calmed most of them down. Still, I waited for everyone to be silent before I was able to explain.
“So. We got the supplies. Medical stuffs, food stuffs, and even some fight stuffs! The problem is that I found the fight stuffs.”
Everyone groaned knowing exactly where this was going. I grinned knowing no regrets.
“So I started swinging around one of the guns. Unfortunately, it wasn’t on safety, so….” I punctuate the following silence with a sip of my own tea.
When the silence only continued, I figured it couldn’t hurt to elaborate, “I guess I’m a pretty good shot when I’m only foolling around!”
People started shouting and groaning about headaches and idiots. I guess my lovely addition worked.
“Oh. My. God.”
“Why did we ever think it was a good idea to send Xen?”
“EVERYONE ELSE WAS BUSY! Xen does nothing else and at this point there shouldn’t be any weapons left!”
“Does anyone know if chamomile can end my misery of a headache or should I start ‘fooling around’ with a gun too?”
“SO ANYWAY!” I shouted to get everyone’s attention, “I helped her walk over here by putting her injured arm over my shoulder, so that’s where the blood came from!”
They instantly got riled up again, for some reason, so I just decided to head to my room and get some rest.
As yes sweet chaos.
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