Writing Prompt
Prompt provided by Christopher Fielden
Prompt provided by Christopher Fielden
The 4x4 challenge:
Take the 4th book from your bookshelf;
Open it on page 4;
Find the 4th sentence on the page and start a story using its first 4 words.
I fear that when I come home this frown of hers will become permanent. That I’ll be everything that my father made me out to be. I can’t ever make him smile and soon I won’t be able to make her smile. I’ll be unwelcome completely in my family. The black sheep if you could. Sometimes I wish I never meet the tall dark eyed mystery man In the coffee shop that sunny fall morning. I wish he never spilt...
The sword was evil. There was to be no doubt about that. It was forged in the deepest depths of Lucifer’s personal chambers,from the purest Hellfire and developed from the strongest metal in Hell that rivalled any material Heaven could muster.
That’s why there was only ever one made.