Writing Prompt
Papers, cups, and wrappers fly as the next tube approaches. People stand, adults holding their kids hand.
Two beaming lights and then a blur of red, white, and bkue. Some remain sitting, while others stand, ready to get off.
The doors slide open as people leave and others scramble on, not wanting to get separated. When they close, it sits.
One second. Two seconds. And it's off. Until the next one in five minutes.
I came to London to make a change to my life. To leave everything that had been taunting my thoughts in the past. Yet somehow I jumped back into the life I so desperately wanted to leave. I found myself surrounded by people like the ones I had ran from. I wanted to change and I thought London would be the place too but, now I see how wrong I was...
I’m not from Manchester It’s not where I’m from I’m from Scotland that’s where i belong I love Scotland and i always will If you come to Scotland you sure will get your fill But that’s not what’s this is about I like Manchester that there’s no doubt All i know about Manchester is the football Or soccer or whatever it is you call But i think Scotland is the best And i think that should be expressed
Is so hard to let go Why is that?
Because you really the first person that I open up Saw me at my worst Watched me grow Could really be my true self with Would smile even if I did some weird thing
But things change We weren’t the same people when we first dated But we still try to work it out
Just like you didn’t notice that you hurt me You didn’t notice that I didn’t forgot or forgave too I tried to but I couldn’t forget Maybe if it was someone I didn’t love I might have But no it was you, you was stuck inside me
Couples most likely end because of a cheating scandal, but not us We ended due to change We grew out each other Our paths weren’t the same I came to the conclusion that is okay
I know that your future will be great Truly hope it is I know my future will be great too But what I also know there’s no us in the future
I first saw the advert on Craigslist. I was looking for job offers in my area, having had trouble finding a job with good pay that had flexible hours.
What first interested me was the title:
That was it. No information on the job- or at all, really. Hell, even the prostitute positions made it pretty clear what they wanted.
I clicked onto the page.
That was mistake number one.
The description read as follows:
Then a phone number.
I was thinking that this seemed extremely sketchy, and although enticed by the promise of 'good hours' the emphasis on discretion worried me- I was certainly not interested in anything illegal or dangerous. I decided to sleep on it and put my laptop away.
Not closing the web-page was mistake number -
The next day, I woke up to my alarm blaring. Rubbing my eyes, I began my morning routine- I won't bore you with the details.
Anyway, I left my apartment roughly 15 minutes later. I walked to the train station, the smell of cigarette smoke and sight of drunk teenagers truly encapsulating the London experience. The sky was still dark.
I entered the train station, purchasing my ticket and going to my usual platform. It was oddly quiet- in fact, I don't recall seeing anyone else at all. No staff either. I began to fidget, leaning against a wall gingerly as the ceiling seemed to cave and the air grew thick.
Then the train arrived. I breathed a sigh of relief as I entered the doors. Empty once again.
At this point, I was strongly considering getting off at the next stop, and walking to my job.
Not doing so was mistake number three.
I sat down, my eyes darting up and down the carriage.
My pulse was rising, breath shallow.
My blood rushing in my ears.
Suddenly, a loud bang from behind me. I jump up in alarm and terror, only to see a number etched into the window. An eleven-digit number.
A phone number.
Somehow I knew, I knew what number it was. The job offer.
I collapse, breaking down into tears. I rubbed my eyes, only to shriek as my hands come away black.
The carriage starts to fill up, and I find myself frozen as the inky liquid rises rapidly, my shaking body still in the fetal position.
It reaches my knees, my chest, my neck, and I gasp in as it raises over my head.
Three... Two...
I gasp and choke, inhaling the thick black sludge that surrounds me. It tastes metallic.
Then I wake up.
/// Thanks for reading! :) I usually post my stories on Reddit under u/YetDarker245 . You can also find the rest of this story there! (damn word count) ///