Writing Prompt
‘All in a golden afternoon, under the skies of cloudless blue.’
Write a poem that begins or ends with this line, adapted from Alice in Wonderland. Don’t feel limited to the themes and images of the book – see where else you could go from these words.
She powders her ivory skin
And pulls up her lace stockings
crawls into her gown one leg at a time
The town is in shambles
Her mother bites her tongue
Her father curses him under his breath
He’s getting ready, black abyss contrasted by feathers of a dove
Her mother borrows time
“Just one second…She’s not ready yet!”
stalling their
Her father’s old friend whispers lexic...
All in a golden afternoon, under the skies of cloudless blue.
Just me and you.
And the possibilities of finding love oh so true
You tell me, “oh darling I’ll never let you go..”
But oh darling you did like how a mother deer loses her doe.
I lost you and you lost me.
Two beating hearts seperate, but not as one.
You were my favorite lover but we couldn’t love eacother.
To scared to share our feeli...
Picături moi de apă se scurgeau pe scoarța cocoșată a unui stejar bătrân. Se gârbovise la începutul vieții, pe când păduricea nu avea decât trei ani în spinare – îl îndoisera vânturile și își pierduse voința de a se îndrepta. Gingașă, ploaia aluneca șerpuind pe trunchi și se oprea să se odihnească peste conurile lipicioase ale bureților călugărești. De capul lor, ciupercuțele colonizaseră întregul...
All in a golden afternoon,
Under the skies of cloudless blue.
I stand here not
Really sure what to do
To some I must
Look lost in thought
But my mind feels empty
And my heart is numb
There is a faint
Feeling of sadness
It helps me
Feel alive
I feel the cool heavy
Wind blow my hair everywhere
I watch the
Waves under me
And listen to the
Sound of it hitting the rocks
I never rea...
All in a golden afternoon, under the skies of the cloudless blue.
Laid a young couple on the green grass.
Her eyes like honey.
And his eyes like grass.
Her skin like chocolate.
And his skin like glass.
Her hair like the roots of a tree.
And his like waves in the oceans.
They were both inlove.
And as they grew together, laying side by side.
They grew older.
The eyes became tired.
Their hair became ...
All in a golden afternoon, under the skies of cloudless blue
I took myself on a little wander
Testing my new running shoes
The mustard and buttery yellow cottonwood canopy beckoned
Oh how the orange coyote willow glow
The purple asters beginning to go to seed,
Their creamy puff balls a treat for the fingertips
The bourbon and earth smell of mesquite
I want to bottle it, the petrichor of the ripa...
To learn the ropes of sanity
Among the flowers of the strange
Innocence of humanity,
I wonder down the rabbit hole,
Told by the sun I’ll make it back,
No worries, if that is my goal.
I do count on that to be true
All in a golden afternoon,
Under the skies of cloudless blue....
Sitting on the rooftop I sang a little song
Trying to escape all my troubles, is that really so wrong?
Every time I think of you, those memories flip through my mind
like flipping through a deck of cards, each to it’s kind
your power plays and wicked ways had a tight hold on me
You locked my heart away in a cage, and threw away the key
Everytime I want to break away from your grip
I know it’s not...
he shaved his face
a little too close today.
nicked his chin
and bled a little.
stopped it with a pinch of toilet paper
before the blood ever had time to run.
somewhere outside
someone shredded their yard into clumps.
they’d let it get too long,
while the days were too short.
a girl cries.
you’ll never get to know her name,
or anything about her really,
because that’s often how things go.
but she...
Alone at last
Peace and enjoyment fills me
My love for me
Is all mine
My all mine
Sitting out on the roof
Admiring life, the stillness
I keep me from going crazy
While I stare out enjoying my life
I gaze upon this golden afternoon sky, underneath the sky of crystal blue
I love living again…....
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