Writing Prompt
Write a story about how something that appears to be harmless is used to cause suffering.
You may choose to write about an actual object that is disguised or misused, or perhaps something more metaphorical.
An arm where an arm is missing. My parents taught me how to knit. An eye where an eye is missing. I learned how to repair my dolls. A finger where a finger is missing. I was playing with my dolls. A foot where there is no foot. I heard a loud sound. An ear where an ear is missing. I saw a man run from the house. A nose where a nose is missing. My parents were broken. A tongue where a tongue is missing. I grabbed the thread. A lip where a lip is missing. Their parts kept falling. A leg where a leg is missing. So I replaced them with the ones on my dolls. A head where a head is missing. My parents were always there for me. A tooth where a tooth is missing. And now, I'm not going to let them go.
I love talking about shows that I’ve watched. I don’t get to do it often because my sister is the only one who really watches TV in my family, but she is extremely slow at it. Like she said she was going to watch Heartstopper season 2 right after it came out and then still hasn’t.
So here’s a list of things I’ve either recently watched or just really like if anyone wants to talk about them.
Fairly Recent: Avatar The Last Airbender (ep 1-3), Artful Dodger, Percy Jackson series, Chucky series, My Life with the Walter Boys, Heartstopper, The Summer I Turned Pretty, HSMTMTS, XO Kitty
Shows that I like/love but it’s been a little since watching: Cobra Kai, Young Justice (the animated cartoon), Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Nancy Drew (CW series), CW’s superhero shows (like Arrow, The Flash, etc.), Umbrella Academy, anything marvel except Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (haven’t gotten to it yet), Once Upon a Time, Fate: The Winx Saga (also the original series), One of Us is Lying, Titans, Teen Titans (not Teen Titans Go)
So if you have no one to talk to about what you watch or just want to talk about your favorite show, I’m always here!
The blade of hurt is considered harmless to others. The blade of temptation, greed and selfishness is well known by mankind.
Nothing is invincible.
I’ve learned that so far. Even the said gods bleed. No one is truly alright. No one is truly okay in this world.
Condos. Cars. Guns. Drugs. Lust. Gold. Diamonds. Glit-
Nothing makes you okay. You could have all the money in the world. But look in the mirror- are you who you want to be? Are you happy? No.
Little boys with guns shooting at school buses. Drugs passed around in school. Street fights and mean riots. Illnesses and disease plaguing the world over and over again. Parents sliding food under the door for their twin babies-
They say we only get one life, and to live it to the fullest. I agree.
Some say when we die- we have a choice between Heaven or Hell.
But what if you’ve been living in Hell all your life?
Blinding darkness. Weakening strength. Sickening happiness.
If pain were an ocean, I would drown. If pain were a darkness, I would get lost in the vast shadow. Why so violent? Why so rude? Why can’t you trust?
Why? I’m violent because I can’t be seen weak. Bad things happen to people like that. I’m rude because I’ve been nice and I know what happens to nice people.
I can’t trust because there is no one to trust. They’ve all walked away or broken their fair share of trust. If I lean on one person and that person breaks the trust, I fall, breaking whatever I scraped together.
Loss. Suicide. Talking shadows-
I know them all, because I’ve seen them all. People smile sadly in public at my scars. I hand someone money and they stare at my knuckles. I look someone in the eye, they shudder at the difference in color.
Not everyone should see what I’ve seen. Little girls- the age of eight, nine and ten should not be touched by a family member. A little girl should not watch her dad kneel and tell her that her mom died. A little girl should not have been abused in every way possible.
Dads teach you to be a fighter. They teach you to change a tire and buckle your seatbelt. They teach you to fight and to stand under the weight. It’s okay to cry- but don’t let them see you do it. Don’t hide your scars- wear them like swords, a threat to everyone, a message to everyone that you have a past.
But what if your past and present are killers? What if it isn’t just scars that they mark you with? What if it’s a forever pain- welded by years of neglect?
Could you give it a damn break?
I’m tired of this topic.
Every single passing night.
Is your vision really that myopic?
It’s not a bias, a preference, or view.
Matter of fact, it’s not even related to you.
I have my own thoughts, believe it or not.
So try the question out:
Are you so opposed to seeing your own blot?
I just want love, a relationship with you.
But of course the same topic keeps you from view.
Do you really just not see it?
The corruption of your way?
Maybe I’m the foolish one
To think that we’d agree one day.
I was camping with my friends when peter my brother said we should summon Bloody Mary but i said no and its a bad idea then Petersen said fine but we will summon the god of death i said who is that peter told me the god of death can control the time of death and use people before they die and most people call the god of death slender man my friend Jacky said scary stuff peter started to tell us how to bring slender man here then he started to chant before he said another word a giant wave of wind blew out the fire then i saw a tall man with no face and plain white in a black Business suit with a red tie and disappear into a cloud of black smoke then i could not see peter nor Jacky then i ran all the way to home [THE END]
I squint in the bright lights, hearing the muddled shouts of a crowd I cannot see. The sounds make me tingle so I shake out my hands and take a breath. They advertised these heels as comfortable, but the longer I stand in them, the more restless I feel. A throb is slowly making its way up my calves since I’ve been standing for so long.
But if I’ve done this before. I can do it again.
Stepping out unto the runway in my glimmering black dress, the cheers double. The applause sounds like crashing rain, but it’s warm and refreshing instead of biting cold. I fight to keep a smile off my face. Then a wince, when I feel a particularly sharp ache.
All lights are on me.
All eyes are on me.
I know they are smiling at me. For me.
I must bare it.
I want to say “I am Liana Richards, the most powerful woman alive. I’m unstoppable.”
But I don’t; my power is short-lived when I step off the runway and I’m ushered backstage by my manager. She smiles at me and I feel my own lips twitch up.
“You did great.” She says.
My cheeks grow warm, and my toe is starting to cramp, “Thanks.”
I excuse myself into the dressing room, pulling my shoes off with a sigh.
Pity, they’re a pretty pair. But I’m never wearing them again if I have a choice. (I most likely won’t.)
And my toes are flushed red once again.
A sliver band around my wrist with intricate design and a little charms that represents our days.Memories of day where we smiled laugh made fun of each other.How all that goes away.A relationship I thought we built on trust happiness and experience when you fell I caught you a trust fall if you will.When I call your name you came but my trust fall came you went not to me but to my foes.The little charm crack as I see you break down my hope.Another one snapped lost as I hear your cruel cackles instead of a warm chuckle. Now I see the sly smirks I see what we built our friendship lies deceit malicious gleam in your eyes, breaking innocence manipulating naive minds.The last charm shatters as my shield crumbles my view on you changes.A new scar marks it’s way on my mind as I see you slash my sliver band.
I wanted to leave as soon as we entered the parking lot. We drove under a giant awning that read "VALCREST HILLS HORRORFEST" and I felt chills surge through my body as fluently as the blood in my veins, my skin began to crawl and my mind went crazy with all the insane directions this night could go.
"Don't be scared babe," Reassured Lenny. He ran his right hand along my left thigh and gave it a light squeeze.
I chuckled under my breath and looked out the window with embarrassment, passively watching as a group of High Schoolers moved to the side to avoid Lenny's car. "That obvious?"
Lenny nodded and shrugged. "That obvious. You've been a mute ever since we got on the freeway."
"I just don't get the appeal of these. Horror movies I can kind of understand but why would you voluntarily put yourself into a situation like this?" To be fair I didn't get the appeal of horror movies either, but Lenny had been dying to come here, so I figured I had to show some support.
"Well I mean they can't touch you or anything, they're harmless. It's in their Employee Handbook...I think."
"Yeah, but they can still pop out of a trash can and scare the shit out of me," I muttered as Lenny parked the car.
"I mean if you don't want to do this we can go home. I know you've been hesitant the entire time."
I shook my head. "No. No, it's just me being stupid. Me...you know overthinking things."
"There you go. It'll be fun. I promise," He paused. "And if anyone messes with you I'll provide dinner for them. A Knucklesandwich with a side of Punch." He lifted his right fist for Knucklesandwich and his left for Punch.
"You're an idiot," I said through a smirk.
"No? Not a fan of them? Not going to call them out if someone tries to attack you."
"I hate you," I said through a laugh as we exited his car.
A thick sheet of orange fog spilled out of the Valcrest Hills Town Square and into the parking lot. I could see red and orange lights as they laser beamed into the air in schizophrenia. From inside I could hear the screams of girls and guys followed by uproarious laughter. Bland and generic horror music filled the sky and set the mood for a night I wanted nothing to do with. Lenny grabbed my hand and we walked through the parking lot, towards the entrance. To my personal hell for the next couple of hours.
I could see three well-built men in blood-covered butcher outfits standing just before the entrance, revving their chainless chainsaws. Groups of teenagers did their best to fan out away from them, dreading their inevitable attack.
"Oh my God. That's amazing!" Lenny hissed. "Holy shit they look just like Leatherface!"
I tightened my hand around his and dug my face into his shoulder. I felt so stupid, but I was literally screaming on the inside and we hadn't even paid the admission to get in.
"They're harmless Elena. Look their chainsaws don't even have chains or anything." Lenny said through a laugh.
"I know." I groaned. My words were muffled by his shoulder.
"Here, we'll take it slow and let them scare someone ahead of us alright?"
I nodded my head, my left eye covered by his shoulder, and just as I was about to verbally respond one of the guys screamed and lunged forward at a group of girls. The girls screamed and howled, running in different directions like ants to bug spray.
"Ah! Perfect! Let's pay for admission!!" Lenny said. He darted forward with me tagging along behind him. We made our way through the bargain bin Leatherface's and got in line.
Standing in line I had a clear view of The Valcrest Hills Horrorfest. There were four or five large tents throughout, each with various mazes. To my left, a group of guys cautiously made their way around someone who was inspired by Michael Myers. As a little girl dressed in white with black hair draped over her face threw her hands out to scare a couple off to the right. The screams and laughs of patrons were so loud that I could barely hear the music over the speakers.
Lenny paid and squeezed my hand to snap me out of my daze. "You ready?"
I gave a reluctant nod and we entered. My hand was so tightly wrapped around his that I had to give him credit for not resisting or pulling away. Maybe I would take him up on his Knucklesandwich with a side of Punch counter defense offer. We made our way through the fog, Lenny looking around like a kid in a candy store with my face so firmly placed into his shoulder that I was sure it would leave an imprint of some sort. And then, from the corner of my eye...I saw him.
A man lurched out of the fog, crawling on all fours, moving across the pavement like a human spider. He moved like one of those body contortionists you see on America's Got Talent. His arms bent in an uncomforting way, his legs moving before his arms in an inhumane fashion. He crawled towards us at an alarming rate and I couldn't even find the time to scream. It got stuck in my throat and came out as a choked gasp. The man brushed past my legs and looked up at us. His face was deathly pale, his eyes were covered by black and glossy contacts, and fake blood stained his cheeks and mouth. He let out a screech and more blood oozed out of his mouth, dripping onto the pavement by our shoes. He shot out a disfigured hand and let out an ear-piercing scream, before scurrying off.
I couldn't scream, I couldn't move, I felt like pissing myself. I could feel my body trembling and I hoped to God that Lenny didn't see how scared I was. I wanted to leave this place, I wanted to be as far away from here as possible, that guy scared the living shit out of me.
"Holy shit! That was fucking incredible! How did the city get the budget for this?? This is absolutely bonkers. That was like movie quality right there!" Lenny exclaimed.
"Oh my god, that was disgusting," I muttered.
Lenny laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around me. "Harmless Elena. They're harmless. Let's go get a drink yeah?"
I gave him a nod and a smile. I was a lightweight, maybe the right amount of drinks would make me cut loose and blackout. Wake up in my room tomorrow with no recollection of this stupid and horrible evening. We made our way to the drinks line and I could see the man crawling back toward us. I could feel his eyes on not just us...but me specifically.
"Oh my god. He's coming back," I groaned.
The man crawled forward and stopped a few feet away from us. Crouched on the ground like a rabid Spider-Man. More fake blood dripped from his mouth, as his torso began to contort back and forth as though he were about to throw up. He began to snap his jaws at us. Lenny pulled out his phone and snapped a picture, which caused him to go "feral" and dart towards us.
"HOLY SHIT!!!" I screamed as he darted at us. He hissed and growled, swiping both of his double-jointed hands in our direction.
Lenny howled with laughter and stood in front of me, snapping more pictures as he scurried off to our right.
"Oh my god. Seriously. Fuck that guy." I said with a tremble in my voice.
"Is he really bothering you that much?" Lenny asked. I could see the sympathy in his eyes, the worry on his face.
I forced a laugh and shook my head. The guy was bothering me, and I didn't know why. Everyone else in line seemed to be having a blast and I was on the verge of just running out of the park and back to the car.
"I'm just...a big scaredy cat," I confessed.
Lenny's facial expression didn't change as we made our way to the window to order drinks. "Alright...I mean let me know if you want to go. I'm not mad at the idea."
Lenny paid for a round of beers, I made sure to get the strongest one and we moved out of the line. I took a drink and let the alcohol do its work in regards to calming me down. I wasn't sure if it was going to work, but I was willing to try.
"There he is again," Lenny said.
I took his word for it. I decided not to turn around and look, I figured if I played into his antics he'd keep on harassing us. So I ignored him like he was some creepy and ugly child. I could hear a group of girls scream from behind me as they took pictures of him.
"I can tell you're not having..." Lenny started.
And then I heard him scurry up behind me, I could feel his body just inches behind mine. I watched in slow motion as he stood up, as his shadow grew large off of Lenny. I could feel his warm breath on my right ear, I could smell the sweat off his body. He let out a screeching growl that caused every hair on my body to stand. I felt my insides jump and lift my shoes off the pavement. The beer ejected from my cup in slow motion, washing past my face in an arch before splashing to the pavement. I screamed so loud that my chest burned with the fires of fear.
"Hey! That's enough man knock it off!!" Lenny shouted. He moved around me and stood in front of the man, pushing his chest out, his free hand tightening into a mighty fist, his veins pulsating throughout his forearm. He had a look of pure rage on his face.
The man stumbled backward, almost tripping over his feet, both hands shooting up in defense. A startled low-pitched wheeze escaped his lips as he fought to re-establish his footing. I noticed a tremble in his hands, and a quiver in his lips as he firmly planted his feet. A look of worry and sorrow on his face, as more fake blood, ran down his chin.
"Whoa, hey dude, no need to yell. I meant no harm. Just doing my job here man."
Social media,a social disease. It depends how you use it and what you are engaging in. A regular mismatch in society trying to connect , Unfortunately it can leave a life wrecked. What you say online can never be erased. What you leave behind can always be traced, Back to you to show you what you missed, Years ago you thought you were IT. I have found a life outside of this world, Its far healthier and mentally free, From all the crap that goes on, Filling peoples heads with everything that’s wrong. From this point on my life is mine and my thoughts are where they belong
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