Submitted by delilah

When all hope fails, what do we rely on?

Write a poem or story on what we turn to when we lose hope. Think about the emotions and problems that occur when this happens, and how it's dealt with.


I **try**

And I **try**

And I **try**

And I **try**

My effort stretched for **miles**

If laid out in a **line.**

Higher than **high**

My goals in the **sky**

I did everything I could

To bring them to **life**

I **tried**. I really did.

The late **nights**

Little sleep

Lost track of **time**

Forgot to eat

I pushed myself so far

Past my limit

I made myself **die**.

My eyes **sigh**

My heart **cries**

What more could I have done?

What more could I still do?

Everything I worked for…

_I will never achieve. _




To my younger self,

I **apologize**

To my future self,


To my present self,

What now?

If there’s nothing more I can **try**…

I must rest.

My eyes **sigh**

My heart **cries**

My smile **dies**

So I must **lie**


Down to rest.

Perhaps tomorrow

I will **try**



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