To gain your freedom, you must make it through a treacherous maze blindfolded.

Rather than including details about how you got into this scenario, try to be as descriptive as possible about how you would survive this experience.


I’m stuck in a maze blind. I feel walls surrounding me as I touch them with my hands. I kick the floor and see if I can feel walls with my feet. The lights are off, so I can’t even try to see through my blind fold. This is a dare so I must keep my blindfold on. I’m alone. I pray and listen. I hear birds singing. I head forward then to the left down a long narrow hall. I run into a wall— it’s time to turn. Let’s see right or left. I turn right since the bird chirps are louder that direction down a short hall. Something is on the floor—something gushy. Eeew. That smell! Maybe I’m close to the birds. I continue to the left this time as the hall came to an end and I walk straight for a long while. I see light. I found a door. I’m out! Yay I can take off the blindfold now! Birds are in a tree outside. I wonder what I stepped in. I look down at my shoe —it’s glue.
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