Driving through, the neighborhoods, lost not noticing, where we were, and giving up. All of the houses, looked the same,except
Every third one, owned a pool. Funny neighborhood, because instead, of house location numbers, there was the color of
The house as identification. It looked, like a rainbow, that used to be, before the air was changed. History of pink, blue
Unicorns and something, called rainbow bright, kept flashing in my brain. Where am I, and where did, all the colors go?
The trail was worn, from dozens of little, and big feet, traveling on its path. There was a group, of ten of us,on that beautiful day.
Smelling, all the fresh flowers, that were growing wildly, by the side of the footprints, we inhale Mother Nature’s beauty.
Stopping, after the fifth mile, and a few switchbacks, we had lunch and some liquid refreshments. We also brought, with us
Two trail dogs, to keep us company, and one in the front and the other in the back to guide us. Once, we were all, taking a rest
The memories arrived, from each, and every one of us, as we spoke remembering, the past and spoke of the future.
As we continued, to walk, and occasionally, sing a song ,from before, we suddenly arrived, at the beginning, of a colorful life
As a unicorn appeared.