Write a descriptive paragraph about a predator.
Think about the meanings of the word predator - it could be an animal, a person, a completely fictional being, or something more metaphorical.
Eldritch Description Practice?
Was it crawling? There’s no way to know. The creature just… slid, using its arms to pull the weight of its body. Though the room was dimly lit, I saw the figure’s body inch closer and closer. Silence. The air was still with nothing but the smell of day-old blood and sour milk. Sat without even a twitch, I prayed it would move past me to the corpse against the refrigerator. It stopped at me, but even in arms reach I wouldn’t dare study it. In the corner of my eye I see fur. Black. Blacker than black, if that’s even possible. As it moved past me, I began to loosen up. Behind I could hear it though. It was a sound unlike anything else, somewhat like a mix between a growl and a freight train followed by a thick slosh. A pool of red flooded into my peripheral. There was the sound again. A roar of sorts. This time it was cut short, vaporized into thin air. My head turns. It was gone… and so was the body.