A homograph is a word that has multiple meanings but is spelt the same way for each - e.g. a 'wave' in the sea, or to 'wave' at someone.

Choose a homograph, and write a short story or poem, in any genre, where you use your chosen word for more than one of its meanings.


It was Fall again, her favourite time of the year. Maple coloured leaves began their fall from the heights of the tree branches, withering not long after landing on the pavement. As night fell, the girl wandered aimlessly throughout a bustling park, enjoying the views of the season. A child running took a fall and scraped their knee in her path. She looked down, concerned, but decided not to intervene as the child’s Mother quickly appeared on the scene. The girl left the park and re-entered the ever darkening city. It’s property value has fallen dramatically since the fall of it’s plastic production in the nineties. The waste from the production plants had caused much of the local wildlife to fall ill and die from pollution causing rioting and protesting. The girl trudged on deciding to head back to her apartment in the heart of the city. Her hair fell gently on her shoulders. A passing boy took notice of her beauty, so much so that he had almost fallen in love. A missed opportunity, perhaps? Nevertheless the girl continued to her lonely apartment. As she arrived, snow started to softly fall from the sky. Winters air began to cascade from the north. The girl clambered about with her keys before entering her apartment and locking the door from the inside. She quickly showered and headed off to bed. She had had a busy day, so it didn’t take her long to fall asleep.
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